What the DLC has taught me about Moze (and Sapper class mod)

1.) Moze still lacks healing and survivability, especially with the new Sapper class mod. While that doesn’t make sense on a surface level, try the raid on True Takedown mode. First with Sapper, and then with Blastmaster. Moze can be firing a Shredifier, with infinite ammo, hitting consecutive crits, and you’ll still go down. Even with a recharger shield and a last stand artifact. In my opinion, her survival depends most heavily on DPS vs shield size and health regen. Kill before you are killed. The only benefit to Sapper is prolonging the torture.

2.) Moze is OP in everything BUT True Takedown. Blastmaster + consecutive hits Kybs + Pearl of Innefable + old god shield + full blue and green trees= Destroy everything

3.) If you want OP DPS and Survival, play Zane.

Edit: Moze received a buff in today’s hotfix and she feels awesome :slight_smile:

Why Old God shield as opposed to say , a Transformer ?

Accupuncture Old God: +20% Incendiary Damage

I can quite literally never die or even have my health bar move with Sapper. It’s life steal, the shredifier is inherently going to be a poor choice because the damage is low. Higher damage = more life steal.

I now have the game on ps4 and pc. On pc mayhem 4 feels like mayhem 1 or 2 on ps4. Moze just isn’t as good on ps4 because grenades can’t proc MoD grenade regen. It’s a bummer for anyone playing on ps4 until they fix that.

I’m not exaggerating, the difficulty difference is stunning. TTD with Moze on ps4 is such a chore.


Its boring man. Just holding a button indefinitely and being forced a very specific pool of automatic weapons only . My brain got numb using the sapper


I’m confused how that helps with enemies that aren’t just red flesh bars though? I.e most enemies in M4


I don’t disagree, the mod is boring and stale.

But it does work exceptionally for survival if that’s your goal. I don’t even come close to dying if I just hold the trigger like the mod tells you to do. You can survive inside Wotan’s shields with it which is silly.

It doesn’t, the shield is good but it’s not at all a survival shield. Not sure why it’s listed in a list of survival complaints. Takedown is mostly shields and armour too. You’re right to be confused here.

I play Moze on PS4. Bow before me.


I have too. She’s fine, but compared to pc completely different.

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I’m not sure how you are able to survive in TTD. I get the same result with a Kybs, constant fire against an enemy, and once one of those horrible hounds gets next to me it’s game over, I can usually kill one in FFYL, but then I’ll run out of FFYL time after being put down and brought up several times in a row. Granted I played it with enemies have x2 projectiles. That didn’t help.

But OMG who is this new Moze from Today’s hotfix?!

It’s not a fun way to play, but if you literally just hold the trigger there’s no cap on the life steal. So it gets into absurd amounts after a little while and you can’t die as long as you’re hitting something.

It helps if you still use Vampyr for when you miss shots.

A very subtly buffed Moze.

That’s an understatement.

Expermential muntiotions went from 10% to 15% bonus incendiary damage on crit. Oh wow hold ke guys I may faint :wink:

At least they were looking into moze

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Yeah pretty minor skill changes but they mentioned it’s the first set of moze changes so we’ll have to wait for the patch. Nice to see they are actually adjusting her though.

IB got 20 seconds shaved off the cd, not sure how much fuel was added.

I’m hearing 10%.

BtIC was a joke of a buff though. For all intents and purposes that will do absolutely nothing at all. We’re talking an improvement of like 150 rate for every 1000 on the shield’s card. That’s still not worth 3 points.

Give us 100% rate and delay please.

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Agreed, but I’d still pick it up if I’m going all the way to PD/TD.

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Yeah I tested it during my lunch break with a BBB, band of sit, and old God. Doesn’t feel like enough of a change when I could simply dump those 3 into higher dmg somewhere. The other buffs are awesome tho.

Btw, y’all are talking about how you have to only use auto weapons, but that really only applies if your playstyle is to facetank, yes? I did a sor/bm build the last 10 hours or so of game play and I use tiggs boom, and other guns on mayhem 4 without worry, because when I wanna heal, I just swap to an auto gun (like brainstormer or hellshock) and start going. It works out to be an “oh sh’t” mechanic and you can still run around with a quickie or ion cannon equipped.

Or just make it like Axtons quick charge from BL2 so its actually a good way to sustain outside of Vampyr or a boring new com.


This would be best imho

Chalk 1 up for team Moze!! Completed True Takedown just now, solo and Blastmaster. Woot!!