Grenade combo list?

is there a list of which grenade types can spawn with which mods? because im pretty sure there are restrictions just like with weapon manufacturers
i would like to find vladof grenades with mirvs but i dont know if thats even possible

Can also be found linked from Lootology which is pinned at the top of #Borderlands-3:BL3-LootandWeapon.


maaaan, i wish we could get some expansion to that
id love to have mirv vladofs xD
or mini mirvs on atlas…that would probably be op xD

you can get atlas splitters I had an atlas purple that split into three on impact and homed in on the original target healing the player and spawning money was good on mecha moze with 20% chance to spawn anointment

ik the current meta grenade for vampyr
but i would like to have more different options :smiley:

yeah I only take what I want from the meta though like vampyr is only taken to mainly heal iron bear on two of my mozes on my third it isn’t even bothered with even though she’s a blue orange torgue allegiance build lol meta ain’t bad if you take what you like or want from it I mean the on damage to iron bear anoint for grenades is absolutely not meta or even considered lol I just like having the very tiny damage for no grenade cost lol

well, its just effective to use a tracking, dividing, mirv, bouncing grenade because its the most possible safe hits you can get to heal
but its a bit slow imo and i would like to see how a mirv vladof grenade would perform

well currently my moze uses a spring epicenter one having said that with the anoint type doesn’t matter as much as the anoint auto targets and is quite accurate plus it tends to spam grenades mean you can use grenades like fastball and so on as it will 80% of the time hit the main reason I use epicenter again is the spam for damage sure one spring epicenter may not do much but 20-30 before you have to exit iron bear yeah that helps alot again its free damage with no effort so even fire against armor or shields helps more than you would think

i didnt like it so much
sometimes for bosses it healed me full in a second
sometimes i spammed it into groups and it always missed

yeah that’s why I only use spring its more reliable don’t get me wrong it’s no we’re near perfect but my builds that use it are infinite ammo iron bear builds so most of the time I just swap into him and rek face when I’m low on health

yea, im mostly playing outside so i need safe healing :smiley:

Yeah not sure if your using spring epicenter or normal epicenter but spring is good for that also the nuke mirve torgue grenades are supposed to be better but they are top gear for moze meta lol

i tried it but as you said, its not 100% sure
maddening tracker are meta afaik because they will always hit :smiley:

Its the torgue cluster fek grenade that’s also meta again you will likely have to go meta for reliable healing sadly as that’s kinda what people have worked out that works any thing else may work but it less effective

yea, well i guess i would have found that aswell after a short time xD
meta is obviously nothing else but the best and the best in this case is as many hits as possible :slight_smile:

It’s not only that some people run some meta items on none meta builds to help make the build work better in m4 it may be one item or three like I said for myself I use what I want from meta and then make my own way with the rest lol I use the meta spring epicenter for my moze but I run purple torgue assault rifles the nukem and other items for fun over efficiency the meta items I do use help my more fun items be decent lol