Borderlands Elevator Glitch

Hi so I was playing the DLC and boom a glitch. Cant find it online, so I’m pretty pleased with my accomplishment…

PS. Includes an elevator…

PSS. Link:

If you were farming the Armoury and accidentally walked into the elevator room, thereby glitching your mission progress, you’ll need to join the game of someone on the same mission who isn’t glitched and complete it with them.

What Armoury? Oh farming glitch I hear everybody had been doing, nope have not got to that part yet.

Sorry - since that’s the most common result for “BL1 elevator glitch” I just assumed…

Have now checked your video, and that is an odd glitch. At least it doesn’t break the game or block a mission!

Nope good thing, but I just found another glitch and will post it soon! because this is game breaking… until i guess you reload the game and it teleports you back to safetly.

Pretty underwhelming glitch in comparison with the other glitch with elevators imo. It’s a problem as well, for few times elevator left without me in Crawmerax’s level for having taken position to deep into a corner.

Can you split screen another character thru the mission and accomplish the same thing?
Edit. Never mind split screened worked

If it’s on 360, only if the second character is on a different profile to the first. Don’t know about PS3, although I suspect it’s the same. I think local split screen on PC requires a bit of work to accomplish?

Ps3 splitscreen with the same profile worked for me
back to farming the armory with my siren

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Good to know! I still have a Mordecai (360) with a glitched armoury mission I need to fix…