Where is everyone farming for new lvl 57 legendaries?

My wife and I have been farming for two days and rarely find any legendaries with the rolls we are looking for (100%ASE, Consecutive Hits, IB 125%Incendiary, Fade Away). We have mainly been farming Slaughter Shaft and Maliwan Takedown. On the off chance that we do see that annointment it usually on something like an Expert ASMD. Is there a better place to farm?

What Mayhem level are you farming on?

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I’m on mayhem 4. When we play Slaughter Shaft there has to be hundreds and hundreds of legendaries on screen between us, but we just arent’t find that much good loot. Usually by the 5th wave of Slaughter Shaft our field of vision is completely covered by loot.

There is no good farming spot for anointments. They are random and i too hardly ever get the anointment i want (SNTNL Cryo) on anything but trash, which is 99% of the loot pool.

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Have you done the new DLC yet? Both DLC’s seem to have good loot drops… But yeah, anointments are all up to RNG. There are plenty of viable guns and gear… way more than the 1% referenced above. It just depends on your play style. tuck7216 uses a specific build that requires some very specific anointments… But there are plenty of useable weapons and gear out there. What anointments are you and your wife looking for?

The second DLC has a lot of good loot drops yeah. Xam and Tom in the last map are an amazing farm, just kill 1 and then travel to the quick travel and it restarts. – Mind you, they will only drop the weapons from that DLC.

The two methods you listed are the proper methods to farm legendaries AFAIK. Slaughter Shaft is the best, Maliwan Takedown for the exclusives. Graveward is also an option, but much less fun imo.

I wouldn’t focus too much on just farming legendaries and just have fun. Next month mayhem 2.0 releases and we’ll have to progress once more because mayhem 10 weapons will be better than mayhem 4 weapons.

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I’m mainly looking for consecutive hit annointments. At level 50-53 I was playing with all kinds of different annointments so it didn’t matter to me as much. Now that I’m trying to focus on a specific build, consecutive hit splash Moze, I’m finding it difficult to the guns I need without trading for them.

It’s always more difficult when you’re looking for specific gear, isn’t it? But DSL 2 seems to be dropping lots of legendaries right now.

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You need the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge that Claptrap gives you in DLC 2. That would work perfectly with your Moze build.


TTD since event started… Finally got this and Sntl Cryo after sooooo many runs… I can play just for fun now lol


Joking (kinda). Mostly takedown, since the rate of legendaries is atrociously high for this mini event, and I need new kybs anyways!

Oh Wow! What can I trade you for a copy of that 125% incediary Redistributor? This would be amazing on my “just hold the trigger” Moze.