Lunacy legendary relic?

Surprised no one is talking about this DLC2 relic . Didnt even know it existed until it dropped .

For those that don’t know , its essentially the Deathless relic without the heath penalty . It doubles your shields in exchange for "greatly increased shield recharge delay "

Now here is what’s interesting … the passive health regen on the relic works to refill health even with a Bloodletter mod. Isnt that strange or is that normal ?

So at any rate , with 2 points in Thin Red Line you can maintain over 50% health (for health gate) AND have the benefit of double shield capacity. This will allow Moze players to utilize health gate and sheilds like stop gap or recharger or even Tenacious Defenze cap stone

I did a quick test regarding Deperate measures ( I has 2 points in it from Bloodless mod) , and the damage difference between deathless relic and lunacy relic seems to only be 11%… not a bad trade off for 50% more health and health gate?

Am I missing anything in my logic? This could the key to help with mozes survivability

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I have a few issues with it. Most glaring for me is it cannot spawn a mag size bonus stat. I know that isn’t required but I cannot stand having small magazines regardless of what class mod I’m using. Such a bummer there for me so I will honestly probably not use it for that alone.

2nd is, it screams bloodletter. Relying on recharge rate is not going to work well because a huge shield with original recharge rate is a bad shield, especially for Topped Off.

But being that it seems like a good idea for bloodletter, the problem here is having an 80k shield and keeping health gate. Bloodletter/Vampyr heals your shields based on missing health, not missing shield.

So with Vampyr if your health bar is full your shield is only healing for 20% of 40% of your health. That’s 8% of max health. If you have like 18k max health you only heal shields for <1500 per Vampyr proc. If you have 80k shields that’s over 50 Vampyr procs.

3rd, shield size doesn’t matter with health gate much. It’s ok for trash mobs, but big hits will still wipe your shield regardless of size and tap your health gate. Therefore, a shield with 20k will help just as much as one with 100k in a lot of circumstances.


this is actually a huge one for me. i rely on artifact mag buffs a lot because it saves damage points on trees.

now that mag bonuses are 50% on artifacts, only a hyperion matched set combo can out boost it. being able to rely solely on artifact mag boosting has meant more points into damage.

also, big shields in bl3 feel so pointless. even with 75-100k shield values (when i tried them at lvl 50) i’d routinely have enemies break the entire shield in one go. it felt like the extra shield just didn’t do anything because of the frequency with which even normal mobs health gate you.

shields feel like they’re better off utilized for the non-capacity related offensive or defensive bonuses they provide, or to proc other effects by quickly depleting and recharging and utilizing a small capacity, which only pangolin does really well.


I think all of these issues are resolved by going with 2/3 TRL and using a Re-Charger and Tenacious Defense together. Typically it won’t need to rely on natural recharge or even a Bloodletter because the Re-Charger fully refills itself. Tenacious Defense provides a damage boost and get’s taken off cooldown by the Re-Charger, and then if the shield breaks again during the Re-Charger’s cooldown TD will refill 40% of it to fill in the time.

My only issue with Lunacy is that the strategy to make it work already works without having a giant shield. So Lunacy brings more shields without providing more damage options that Moze needs.


I only like it with shields with alternative recharge abilities (B^3, Recharger, Transforner) and even then not really on Moze.

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What did you do with all the time you saved here?