Thought I’d share some of my personal ideas of what I, as a Fl4k-only player, would like to see for our murderous bot.
Class Mods:: A lot of us aren’t really happy with some of the mods that are available to Fl4k. Some are unreliably bugged (St4kbot), others are dangerous due to crashes (Rakk P4k), and others are just plain awful and should be burned in a fire (Rakk Commander). So here are some ideas that would make me happy.
Killing an enemy while Fade Away is active refills the magazine of the currently held gun. While Fade Away is on Cooldown, reloading your weapon increases the damage of the next shot by +50%.
- Overclocked
- Turn Tail and Run
- Galactic Shadow
I’ve wanted a CM for Fade Away for a while I think something like this would be cool. The ammo refill would help the Action Skill be useful for mobbing especially since the duration is so low; reloading cuts too much time into the AS’s usage. I also like CMs to be a bit flexible so having a secondary effect is great. The skills I think compliment the Class Mod as well.
While Fl4k’s pet is below half health Fl4k and his pet gain bonus Damage Reduction and Elemental Resistance.
While Fl4k’s pet is on Cooldown or unequipped; Fl4k gains bonus Movement Speed, Fire rate, and weapon damage.
+13% Daamage Reduction
+30% Elemental Resistance
+15% Movement Speed
+10% Fire Rate
+20% Weapon Damage
-The Fast and the Furryous
-Rage and Recover
-Barbaric Yawp
I think a Class Mod like this would lead to more ways to play Fl4k. It promotes different builds and you get something out of your pet not existing and/or being suicidal (I’m looking at you Pet that Rushes to Wotan and dies immediately).
Dominance Replacement
I hate this thing so much. It hurts to go all the way down the Master tree because you want those skills and not wanting to waste the 1 point to reach the capstone because it’ll be an utter waste of a point. I’d like something along the lines of;
4rmored Beast
Provides Fl4k’s pet with armor. While the pet’s armor is down, it gains bonus Movement Speed and Attack Speed.
+20% Movement Speed
+100% Attack Speed
Makes your pet more resilient and gives them a buff when they’re getting whittled down. I thought giving it Armor is more fitting than a shield considering Fl4k is a robot and would want their pets to be less fleshy? Shields on a pet was done by Deathtrap so yeah.
Assuming that a 4th skill tree becomes a thing I’d like any of the following beasts as a pet (in order of WANT):
- Varkid
- Stalker
- an Eridian Guardian
As far as Action Skills go, I’m gonna go with a Freakin’ Laser. The tree itself could be based on Shock damage, using shock weapons, skills, and items to boost Fl4k’s offensive capabilities (the idea is of a Robot tapping into a power source). Could have skills that give things bonus shock damage, or makes Fl4k into a Transformer Shield-type of being.
Other options would be to go the Wilhelm route and do some robotic enhancements that change Fl4k’s look and performance. Can we get thrusters? Self-Destruct? make our pets self-destruct? Infinite power (ammo) for Shock Weapons? Turn our pets into a Shock Skag/Spiderant/Jabber etc?
That’s all I got for now. Any comments, questions, concerns? What would you like to see?