Gammaburst/red fang questions

So I recently got a ton of great gb annointed gear. I’m wondering if I can run gamma Burst without going into blue tree. I want to keep my current set up that I love, and I think it will work. I’ve ran gamma Burst before and really the only reason I ran it then was bc of red fang. I’m sure not having psyco head on a stick will make it somewhat less affective . But it should still wrk right?

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You would be missing out on Frenzy and Emphatic Rage, but otherwise there’s no reason why you couldn’t. It’s your game after all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And barbaric yawp, and pack tactics. And the +20 damage during gamma b and adding time for kills. But I still think megavore+ power inside has to be the best option for fl4k regardless right now

I only ever ran gamma for the red fang effect anyway. What I’m really asking is will it be as affective.

Won’t know until you try, but considering it’s just a crit build with the Gamma Anoint and way better uptime on Hidden Machine (a V2 bonus most builds barely ever have active) I think you’ll be OK.

The issue you will run into, is your pet dying to quickly and too often to be of help with the Red F4NG effect, as you will have none of their dmg reduction and health skills. This tree is to get my DMG and Crit dmg really high

I go all the way down the red tree to Megavore, Halfway down blue to get Persistence Hunter, Frenzy, He Bites, Who Rescued, Psycho Head and the Gamma augments for 20%dmg and extend GB on kill. This is to further increase dmg keep my pet on the field and effective during GB

I go halfway down green to get Furious Attack, Eager to impress and lick the wounds. More dmg increase, skill cooldown and some free second winds from pet when things get hairy

Using GB anointed gear, I was wrecking ish on M4 at lvl 53. I am currently re-farming better gear for 57, but blew through the DLC on M4 without a ton of hassle. I didn’t die very often at all. Thats with my lvl 53 GB Anoint Wedding Invitation as my main gun still :slight_smile:

With full green tree? Not really, my pet doesn’t even have Gamma Burst, BY, or Who Rescued Who and can survive M4 mobs with just Green tree investment and BFFs. Granted, I use the spiderant, but the pet should be able to survive in between Gamma Burst cool downs without much issue.

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But, if you aren’t using GB, that means you are using the Red F4ng mod. Thats the difference. Your pet draws all aggro on GB with that mod, so they start taking tons of dmg. A lot of the blue tree skills are kinda necessary for that I find.

I assume you mean you aren’t using Red Fang w/out Gamma Burs? Because that’s exactly why it doesn’t matter that much. Gamma Burst already makes the pet immortal, so as long as you can get your action skill back within the 15 or so seconds it would take for the pet to actually die, it won’t ever be an issue.

OP will more than likely have 3 points in Headcount and at least 1 in Eager to Impress. Keeping full shield isn’t difficult with a red fang, so Topped Off should be active most of the time. A cool down of 10 seconds is pretty reasonable most of the time.

I use GB /w RF mod.

Does GB really make your pet that strong in M4? ? I guess I never really tested it, but thats what I use, and even with He Bites and etc, he still goes down a lot on M4 if I can’t kill everything super fast. Thats just too much focus fire from the strongest enemies on the pet

If it really doesn’t make much of a difference, that makes me happy, as I’d prefer to use GB /w RF mod and Red/Green trees instead of how I have it now.

It’s not that it makes it strong it’s just that it literally can’t die while Gamma Burst is up. It won’t go lower then 1 hp. The problem I run into with like Slaughter Shaft is that as soon as GB drops the pet dies.

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Yes, I have this issue myself. I didn’t realize they literally couldn’t die with GB up. Had no idea. Thats good to know. So far, GB /w Red Fang is my fav play style. I like to sit on the outside and and hit big crit single shots with Jakobs guns to destroy mobs with explosion Guardian perk and ricochet effects.