Gun stats changing?

Anyone else having there guns stats randomly changing between load screens / resets?
A few of my guns are randomly gaining or losing modifiers for example My ion cannon would randomly gain an element effect or lose it’s x 2 effect and my Butcher shotgun would lose its X 3 and basically be an assault rifle. noticed a few other guns gain and lose effects or large chunks of damage. some revert after a reset while others don’t.

The most likely explanation is that when you restart/reset, you are not waiting for the hotfix to fully load before launching the session. Wait for the sound fx and sign first.

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This happened to me during gameplay. I found a night hawkin with 598ish x3 teleported back to sanctuary to put it into my bank and the x3 had disappeared. No idea what happened

Brb, there’s a post for you.

Short version, this is how the gun works. Long version:

This is how the gun works:


I should clarify by restart / reset i mean going from game play to the menu to reset bosses. not fully closing the game.

Thats how the night hawkin works so that is normal.

I haven’t read that Night Hawkin Oddities post, but I wonder what causes the occasional x2 modifier? I know the x1/x3 is the result of night and day in game but I never understood the x2. Still a banging little SMG tho, smooth as silk and that x3 fire mode :scream:

I just had my game crash and all my guns rerolled, my krakatoa with +328% weapon damage is now 2× zoom and my lobs are all -74% weapon damage. I feel your frustration.

I have just confirmes the same issue. Found a night hawking yesterday with a x3 damage, put it in my bank and it is now a x1. Also a rubys wrath was seen in my bank with over 10000 dam x3, i switched characters and is now a little over 7000 damage. I left ruby in bank again, exit, wait for hotfix, reentered game and it was still te same. This is making it harder for making my way up in the mayhem levels!!

The Night Hawkin is simply working as designed. Check out the linked thread in post number 4 of this thread.


Ah that explains why my Lobs and Krakatoa’s are occasionally getting ‘nerfed’ in some sessions, but back to normal in others.

I was aware of the ‘apply hotfix to fix dmg issue’, and it always did fix it when I backed out main screen. But I wasn’t aware that after ‘hotfix day’ it could still take a few extra seconds to fully re-apply when launching a game, even days later. The difference between server-side fixes and actual patches I guess.

I’ll give it more time on loading screens and watch for that sound fx…

Exactly. Hotfixes are fetched and applied when you start the game; they are not retained once you quit.

@VaultHunter101 Was there a secret hotfix after the 4/30 hotfix ? I see no information on it. Also I heard there will be one today is this true?

I have no information about a secret hotfix, no. Thursday is usually when such things roll out, so keep your eye open for an announcement today.

I experienced this. A couple of days ago, my lobs suddenly went from about 29K damage to 2,900 damage . Xbox later asked me if i wanted to restart to accept a BL3 update. I did so and my Lobs went back to the correct damage.

Yeah, the server has been a little sluggish at times on the download - I’ve managed to start a session several times without the hotfix actually having taken simply by waiting my usual time and not checking the screen before hitting the GO button.

@HaziTru: there were a couple of additional tweaks made to the current hotfix last week. These were announced in the hotfix thread itself rather than as separate threads, so it was easy to miss them. They were:

New hotfix notes are live, and the new hotfix should be rolling out to you some time today.

I don’t know about this hawkins gun but I can confirm this bug has happened to me a few times on my xbox.

Yesterday for example I found a Baby Maker pistol with huge 8000 damage! At lvl60! Booting the game up today the strength has more than halved.

As I said this has actually happened to me with a couple of guns now.

I now see that I did indeed have this Dahl Hawkins smg in my backpack!

Could this be the reason for changing gun stats on my others guns??

Or is this just a wild coincidence!

The Night Hawkin’ shouldn’t have any effect on other weapons. If you’re seeing a bunch of them changing stats it’s probably the hotfix thing.


Thanks vh101. Can I ask are the hotfixes making the guns super strong? Or are they nerfing them??