Seein Dead and Best Served Cold

Shouldn’t this be procing all kill skills? Best served cold is a kill skill no? So chance on hit should be bringing little cold Nova’s X lots of projectiles = MORE SOPLOSIANS!

Seriously though I think this should be addressed and it also makes BSC kill skill meta worthy.

It still has a cooldown and it’s not a particularly high amount of flat damage

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Last I checked, Seein Dead does proc it. It’s still not very good.


It procs around you when activated by SD

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Appreciate the feedback, but you do know it’s not about the damage it’s about the constant Nova’s procing Good misfortune and it helps adding cryo damage to proc calm cool and collected.

With one point in Good Misfortune and 1 pt in CCC you literally always have your skills up.

i don’t use ccc (or anything in the green tree) and with 1 point in GM, my skills are always up. Not hard to keep everything up with Seein Dead. Just keep damaging enemies constantly.