A second attempt at the All-In-Bear True Takedown Challenge Run.
The idea here is to not shoot any infantry weapons at all. To severely limit nade throws only when needed for survival. To do all the damage via Iron Bear. The first time I did this I used an Eruption debuff reload and pretty much spammed nades between IB cooldowns. This time I took it a step further and won’t be using the Eruption to limit damage not done by Iron Bear and only use nades when absolutely necassary.
To put the recent buffs in context, the first time I did this run for this topic it took about an hour. This time the run took just under 23 minutes and that’s without the Eruption gimmick.
The first 5ish minutes of this video is explaining the challenge and the build.
Original Topic
So a while back when we were stuck with only the single player scaling temporarily I did a Takedown run using only(mostly) Iron Bear and shooting no guns. Now that we have True Takedown back I wanted to go back and hit up that challenge again. I set up a build with full investment of Iron Bear in mind. The gear is fully cooldown orientated even if it experiences diminishing returns I wanted to squeeze every second possible out of cooldown through gear. I won’t be detailing the build because I’m still experimenting and playing around with options but I did want to share my latest of several True Takedown runs with the current iteration I’m playing with. Though I won’t be going over the build the gear is all shown at the beginning and I show the skill trees several times throughout while I’m switching Iron Bear Hardlines.
This some of the most fun I’ve had doing True Takedown I truly enjoyed myself.