[All-In-Bear] True Takedown Challenge Run (M4) -Round 2

A second attempt at the All-In-Bear True Takedown Challenge Run.

The idea here is to not shoot any infantry weapons at all. To severely limit nade throws only when needed for survival. To do all the damage via Iron Bear. The first time I did this I used an Eruption debuff reload and pretty much spammed nades between IB cooldowns. This time I took it a step further and won’t be using the Eruption to limit damage not done by Iron Bear and only use nades when absolutely necassary.

To put the recent buffs in context, the first time I did this run for this topic it took about an hour. This time the run took just under 23 minutes and that’s without the Eruption gimmick.

The first 5ish minutes of this video is explaining the challenge and the build.

Original Topic

So a while back when we were stuck with only the single player scaling temporarily I did a Takedown run using only(mostly) Iron Bear and shooting no guns. Now that we have True Takedown back I wanted to go back and hit up that challenge again. I set up a build with full investment of Iron Bear in mind. The gear is fully cooldown orientated even if it experiences diminishing returns I wanted to squeeze every second possible out of cooldown through gear. I won’t be detailing the build because I’m still experimenting and playing around with options but I did want to share my latest of several True Takedown runs with the current iteration I’m playing with. Though I won’t be going over the build the gear is all shown at the beginning and I show the skill trees several times throughout while I’m switching Iron Bear Hardlines.

This some of the most fun I’ve had doing True Takedown I truly enjoyed myself.


A takedown run almost an hour long using IB as your main source of damage is badass, this is what we Fl4ks want to do with our pets.


Doesn’t even have to be main source of damage. I would just settle for the pets doing anything at all really! LOL


The closest things I’ve ever seen are here but it’s disappointing.

I don’t play fl4k, but, I’d want a badass hackhound as a pet. It would be invincible lol

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Yeah I don’t think it would be fitting to have pets doing a majority of the damage as that’s just afk play but they definitely aren’t in a great spot. The worst part is how they insta-suicide on Wotan man I hate that. It’s a little different with Iron Bear since you are still actively doing the work just in a suit.


Actually the way they are set up to interact with the pets actually requires attention or strategy.
In a perfect world where pets deal good damage fadeaway would rely on power inside, gammaburst could do afk but they need to shoot for a few seconds to get the cooldown back. Then attack command is where the real damage is at do even if we had 50k head butts and 100k rockets working with your pet would still be required to get pet builds to do endgame activities.

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If they worked the way they were supposed to and scaled with cryo it wouldn’t be. Every pet build has had to provide some form of debuff or CC, but since freezing is based off of enemy health in this game, the best beastmasters would have to utilize specialized cryo efficiency builds to have solid damage. Fl4k has all the makings to be the most involved pet class if various interactions actually worked as intended, but I digress.

Honest question: have you considered an auto bear only TD?

I don’t know about True Takedown but I think it would be mostly doable in normal. Though the Wotan fight would be hard because you’d end up with a ton of adds and you can’t tell it to focus Wotan to burn the phases. I’ve run through Athenas letting Autobear kill everything as of yet but that’s as far as I took it.

If you use the rocketeer, can you get into Dakka bear at any point during auto bear duration?

Yeah I believe you can get in and out at will though I’ve actually never tried to get back in lol. I’ll mess around with this idea for sure. I’ll go for a Slaughter Shaft first though :smiley:

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I was just wondering since you could use it as a perpetual den of invincibility. So long as you could get auto bear to do decent damage and you supplement in other ways, you could always rely on Dakka Bear for survival, perhaps allowing for some investment in more offensive skills and gear.

You can jump in and out at will. The only issue with doing this for invincibility is that all fire focusses on the bear and it gets destroyed fairly quickly even with heavy investment in vampyr.

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Yeah, I forgot about that.

Can you swap Guns with the Auto Bear annoint? Like one with the fire from one with the ammo regen? Should make things more viable.

No I don’t think so, IIRC it only lasts 15 seconds in the first place. The idea is going to be doing as much with Autobear as possible and having no gunplay like I did with this Iron Bear run. So basically summoning Autobear and hopping right in Dakka and riding it out. I’ve already set up a test build and it did pretty good clearing round 1 of Slaughter Shaft so far. If I lose AB I’ll do the same as I did in All-In-Bear and just use Eruption+nades till cooldown is back.


Nice run gotta try this myself

What investments do you have into cooldown rate because that cooldown is nuts and what’s your sp on your raging bear

Was this before that hotfix that changed fuel drain on the sabot rounds?

Nvm, just got to your pre Wotan commentary.

The gear is all shown right at the beginning of the video. The cooldown investments are on the Com/artifact/shield anoint and using an All-In-Shield.

I feel like all these Moze runs should require a bearcat to be equipped if nothing else. I mean, it is a bear run…