Let’s take Lob for example. So it looks like there’s a lvl 53 Lob Mayhem 1, a lvl 53 Lob Mayhem 2, …, lvl 53 Lob Mayhem 10 .
I am hoping this is the gear leveling system we are waiting for. If it’s refarming same gear per Mayhem level, I think I might be done with this game. I hope not but it just becomes too impractical to me anymore to refarm same gear for 10 diff mayhem levels. Of course there is always that “trading …d*pe” option but doh.
i remember somone saying they were getting ideas from diablo but that was long ago, so i can def see that. but they dont have any areas worth it. if takedowns changed map layout randomly might be interesting.
but back to weapons, i think what has been said that would be OP lvls?
1-10 for weapons.
DPJ has never played the old Borderlands games and doesn’t know what he is talking about. An upgrade system system would ruin the identity of the game and make farming pointless where as that is literally the point of all Borderlands games. It is simply never going to happen and people need to just get on the rail and grind it out as was intended instead of complain. Matter a fact most people who want the upgrading guns seem to be new to the game so it’s hard to feel bad for them when all it takes is a bit of research to see why you have to re grind every cap increase…
If gearbox had any sense they would make it so you have to regrind all the same for higher mayhem variants of the gear in question. And some ranting is to be expected but a majority of the community wont take it seriously. People come to Borderlands to grind their heart out, and if they don’t like the new gear cycle they need to find a different game instead of making the game something it has never been. Either that or get used to it and learn to find enjoyment in getting a new set of gear instead of complaining. Some suggestions are fine and simple QoL which would be nice sure, but upgrading guns is taking it to far and would remove any incentive to grind for new gear killing the game off sooner then its predecessors…
Lets put this another way then. Lets say you have a pizza shop that you don’t like because the sauce is to sweet but most others seem to enjoy it. So do you riot on the streets and complain to get them to change a sauce most seem to like or just go to another pizza place? Now that your thinking about that go back to borderlands. Why would gearbox change how its always done things regarding weapon grinding after a level cap or new mechanic like the mayhem level guns when they have so many costumer who like the current way of doing things? Do you give into the fringe community and change everything to ease them or leave it as is, the answer is pretty obvious is you ask me. If you want a game that allows that destiny 2 is right their in all its glory and has those systems because that is Destiny’s unique shtick, dragging Borderlands into the universe of destiny is just moronic!