Can we please have a crew challenge reset option for the Handsome Jackpot? Quite a few of us who played the DLC at start are now looking at Ember’s Purge and Burning Scoville being locked at level 50 and no way for us to get level 53 variants of them. Either options of (1) having the ability to reset the challenges on completion or (2) having crew challenge specific rewards added to a specific loot pool should be plenty enough for us to regain these rewards with the new level cap off 53. Early implementation of this could help prevent this issue from reoccurring in future DLCs hopefully. I completely understand this will need to be patched in versus a hotfix but would love to see this sooner rather than later considering we have a new DLC announcement tomorrow and I’d hate to see this issue bring brought up again because of another level adjustment.
As well as the bekah!! Come on gearbox please don’t make me start a 7th character
Announcement is today on DLC…
I suggested a while ago that the challenges should be redo-able on TVHM to give players incentive to play that mode. We shall see what Gearbox has in mind.
The first comment under their post
Lo. Story is terrible in places. But not a total failure… Too family friendy for my liking… But I can live with the story if I don’t have to do it 8 times just to set up 4 characters at my required level. Nor do I like the fact that I have to play story x2 to set up another build without needing to Respec one of my main characters - a process which becomes tedious after a while…
Valid point almost forgot about this gun.
I usually only play on TVHM just so I can reset and play through the DLC again just because it’s fun as heck, but I see where you’re going with this. The reset missions option would be nicer if it also reset the progress on the 3 (2 of which are dlc specific) crew challenge rewards. But for those who don’t want to go through the entirety of the game again to claim 3 rewards, moving this items to a loot pool would also be a valid option. I personally would like to have them be resettable through TVHM so, as you put it, give people who don’t want to do TVHM a reason to play it. Again I enjoy TVHM, BUT not being able to get those rewards at 53 kinda sucks at the moment. Especially as a hot sauce aficionado I’d love to have a new scoville.