Dumb? Clueless? Both?

I’m just doing some side-quests last night with Aurelia, opened up my lobby for maybe 30 min., why not? I’m not farming bosses or anything, so sure. Lets see who joins. Celestial Lawbringer jumps in. Hmmmm, come here buddy, lemme inspect you. Sure enough, blue celestial mod, luneshine luck cannons, whatever else. Insta-kick. Joins again a minute later, same character. I pick up my mic “no modded gear in my game, go host your own cheat-hax lobby.” Kick him again, and then he joins a third time with a Jack. Inspection time: 30% ignore shields Fridgia and Thunderfire, and maybe a Heart Breaker as well. I laughed, gave him the boot, and he/she sends me a message along the lines of “You can’t mod on ps4, learn the difference (modded gear vs legit).” I love the inspect feature.

And that’s why I solo, or play with friends.

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Make a video of these randoms joining, inspect them for hacked gear, kick them, and repeat as they either re-join or other randoms come in: speed it up just a little and set it to Yakety Sax… could be funny.

Seriously: the inspect feature is genius.


it is cool but it should let you see their whole backpack and not just what they have equipped. I love the gibbers that even go so far to have every skill point filled out as well.

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Lol that’s so ridiculous. This game is not hard. I play with BAR off all the time and legit gear, and I bulldoze everything (ok, eclipse/eos are kinda hard, but aside from that). If I had even more skill points and cheese-ball gear, there would literally be no challenge. If only BL2 had inspect, now that would be something to see!

The lobbies are full of rookies, who can’t survive by only using legit gear.

Maybe he doesnt know its hacked. Or about the inspect feature. I would say he is both.

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I remember running into this with bl2 on the Xbox. I joined a lobby and a guy with 2 of his friends were all using blue legendary come and offered to give me one. I said no thanks I only use legit gear. They threw a fit and were claiming they were legit drops. I even said I don’t care if they use nodded gear it was his lobby. But they maintained that it was legit.

Some people I guess. I just moved on and never ran into them again

LMAO! joining random games is hilarious to me. I find it to be the equivalent of dogs sniffing each others butts. When a new dog enters the room of dogs, they all run to the newly entered dog to sniff it’s butt. This is what happens when joining a random game. it’s so funny cause it’s true. join a random game and if there are more than one player it’s even better cause they all run to you and inspect you(sniff your butt). LOL


Nah. I routinely ignore anyone who joins my game. I don’t even wait to for them to catch up.

Inspect is pretty great. I used to have to pay super close attention in BL2. Now it takes all of 15 seconds. Also great that it displays BA rank upon joining. I had someone join my game with 3,500,000 BA points with the game being out for all of 2 weeks. Course, I also got kicked from a game for having a “hacked BA rank” when mine was around 40,000 sooo…

Good on ya for kicking him.

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