Just curious what people’s thoughts are about the radiation damage type for +splash type Moze builds. Is radiation inherently better than other types because of the built in splash damage it provides or is it not enough to matter?
The real benefit of radiation is that it is effective against shields while neutral against flesh, so it’s a versatile element in that regard. The bonus rad explosions on enemy death are not enough to override innate matching bonuses provided by other elements, if that’s what you’re asking.
That is true in the sense of damage. However rad explosions proc Means of Destruction so that can be another pretty valuable bonus.
Where do Atom Balm relics fit in here? Don’t they boost the radiation explosion damage? Is that a splash damage bonus or elemental?
Radiation is great. But not really because of the splash damage as sneaky said.
Kabs point about MoD is good.
It’s just radiation against armour is an issue, so you’ll often want cryo or corrosive for tougher armoured enemies. Shields, flesh, and general mobbing it’s my favourite.
Kinetic is also useful so you don’t constantly dot yourself.