I kinda stumbled on to this build after looking at Moxsy’s and Lazy Data’s latest vids…and conversing a bit with Lazy Data.
It’s a “Hybid” Moze build and it is tremendously powerful in both the dismounted Infantry role and in IB as a Mech. Kind of the best of both worlds.
AND what is really kind of nice is that it doesn’t really require a large amount of specialized gear or anoints. Now…make no mistake…high profile gear and anoints help…but ARE NOT necessary!
In this build IB is basically as powerful as you can get her and gives you an option to cruise around for a while…smoking things left and right…instead of the tiresome, boring and somewhat nonsensical constant jumping in and out of.
As a Ground Pounder…Moze is at her peak as well…it is a spin off of the spam grenades hold the trigger down “Fire Hose Moze” method.
This will Kill Mobs
This will Kill Bosses
This will Kill Wotan
Gear suggested:
Fire Mag size 44 Kybs Worth x2 variant…(on IB exit or ASE next two mags do (whatever) is nice…but unnecessary (X3 variant burns ammo too fast)
Fire Westergun with mag size 44 or above…same anoints. The thing I don’t think a lot of folks realize is just how good the Westergun is on Moze…and how totally easy it is to farm.
You want a corrosive version and shock version of the above as well. Will having all three be Westerguns work?? Absolutely. Do Kybs work better? Absolutely.
Cutsman’s will also work just hunky dory…but you have to be VERY mindful of grenade usage.
The 4th Weapon can be a solid launcher like Ion Cannon or a good Purple Tediore shotgun to chuck. You actually will probably seldom use it…if ever.
Grenade is any grenade that homes and mirvs for multiple hits. Purple Cloning Maddening Tracker is by far the best for this but other types will certainly work.
Shield can actually be about anything you like. I have some favorites. Look VERY closely at the shield properties to get one to match your playstyle.
Big Boom Blaster
Mendal’s Multivitamin
Double Downer (Probably the most under rated shield in the game)
Stop Gap
Again…anoints are nice…but not totally needed.
Artifact can be pretty much whatever with one requirement…get one with 44% Plus Magazine Size as you will need that for trigger spam. I use a Last Stand Auto Idol but that’s just me.
Com is a Blast Master with Redistrbution skill…other skills are great but Redistribution is a necessity. The one I use has +1 Redistribution, +3 PtHP, +1 Vampyr
Perks are whatever you can find that work good on Moze:
Splash Damage
Grenade Damage
Grenade Damage Radius
Splash Damage Radius
Weapon Damage
SMG Damage
Maliwan Fire Rate
Weapon Fire Rate
Maliwan Critical Damage
Maliwan Damage
Critical Hit Damage
Weapon Charge speed
Action Skill Cooldown
+5 Grenades (is OK…but not needed)
+24% Mag size (can work in lieu of +44 mag size on the artifact if your trigger control is good and you can get away with spamming the trigger less)
Whatever combo that is best you can find.
IB rocks either dual Vanquisher Pods with no additional skill or Dual Explosive Miniguns. I personally like the Dual Explosive Miniguns as they are VERY easy to control and Crit with…and hit like a truck.
Playstyle is…whatever…
Go head to head…or stand off…or jump in and out of IB for anoints…or…my favorite…in HEAVY mob places with deathstars and dogs… jump into a safe, secure IB and lay waste on the most dangerous targets like dogs…with virtual impunity. Bottom line is that in this setup…IB is a KILLER…don’t ignore that capability.
Build is here:
Compared to Moxxi’s highly successful build:
I lose VERY little by one point less in DiB and one point less in Armored Infantry…and the 10% I lose in not speccing Experimental Munitions is entirely made up in the boosts to Short Fuse from SSB and Scorching RPM’s
Moxxi does not spec Scorching RPM’s which is curious as he claims he is not able to spam constantly with a Kybs Worth with the higher Fire Rate. He runs out of ammo too fast and reloads too much losing his anoints. I have not experienced that at all. Nor did I find that fully specced Matched Set is necessary to raise Mag Size in order to spam. High Mag Size weapons are the key. Moxsy also fully speccs I can’t carry all these Grenades and I believe these to be “wasted points”. I NEVER run out of grenades and I am chucking constantly. Perhaps with a Cutsman or other weapons…they “might” be necessary. Kybs and Westerguns? Nope…not necessary.
By fully speccing Scorching RPM’s , SSB and the one point I used in Security Bear, and the one point in Specialist Bear I do TWO things:
IB now is basically maxed out damage and survivability wise, and adds an additional, valuable AND FUN tool to your capabilities.
The not well advertised boosts to Short Fuse from Scorching RPMs and SSB are SUBSTANTIAL and TOTALLY offset any small loss to points in AI and DiB.
My wife says I am "not the sharpest tool in the shed’ so go ahead and poke holes in this. I LOVE this kind of stuff…it’s why the Borderland’s series is my all time favorite. I tested this last night for about 3 hours…mostly at the Slaughter Shaft and Wotan.
Lordy…it works!