Hello everyone first time posting here but I figured this warranted some attention. So I have been playing as Zane from the very beginning (favorite character hands down). I recently came across a design feature(not bug I will explain later) for Zane’s anointed ablilty gear.
I have been a using Seein’ dead kill skill build using the Hitman and Double agent skill trees. And with this build my actions skills tend to stay up all most indefinitly. For example I have ran the Mayhem 4 Maliwan takedown(post update) and I only need to deploy them once and they stay up(minus Wotan just because it can get tricky to keep landing hits) for that whole combat.
Now last month when GearBox launched the one of their farming events I got an anointed Warlord with the anointed “while Digi-clone is active, regenerate 12% of magazine ammo per secound.”. And as anyone should in my opinion I jumped on it regen ammo while digi clone is up and it almost always is up along with the ability that 30% of the time it dosen’t consume ammo that is insane.
So I started using it and that is when I noticed the hard cap because after a bit ot would stop regenerating ammo while digi-clone was up. So then I did some testing, I could switch off warlord and back onto it and this would cause the annointed to retriger, OK, then I timed it. And I found that even on a anointment that say “While Digi-clone is active…” it would time out after 35 seconds give or take. But that does make sense because with Borrowed time and Boom, Enhance, Digi-clone’s duration should top out at around 35 seconds.
And let me say this right off the bat I am not mad about this just a little disappointed I still use warlord because why not. I just thought I would bring this to the table because I didn’t see any other posts about it and figured I should say something because as far as I am aware some of Zanes other annointed skills are like this “While SNTNL is active…” or “While Barrier is active…”.
Thanks for reading and sorry for the long post I just want to lay out all my thoughts on this