Have played the game though a grand total of 3 times now on 2 different characters both on my own and while doing Co-op with my buddy. The first time we just died over and over till we out leveled it at Lv 39 (we did this mission post game with The Warrior Loot drops) Now we got though our second playthough and once again on those same character we are stuck on round 5. I played though the game again recently on my own on a new character and once again I was stuck on round 5 of HSD for like a solid week throwing in about 2 hours a day on only the Slaughter dome. I was able to do it but I was level 36 by that time and had far our grown just about all the loot I had.
Every time I get die its due to something stupid like a sniper who spawned with an elemental gun and got a head shot that destoryed me in one shot or an RPG loader gang up that knocked me down and out before I can even utter the Wha of What!
Eventually it gets to the point where I am always able to get to wave 7 but it take like half an hour and just to get killed it is enraging and makes me fell like smashing my controller Bandit Slaughter is easy and so is Creature but why on earth is this one so god damn hard even if your have out geared the content
Hyperion slaughter is the best arena due to that reason lol. We would get all excited on the next play though when we reached it. Then fight over who gets the best crate to hide in. The craaaates! The secret is the craaaaaaaaaaates!
I feel its the hardest area because the Hyperion Foes synergize so well with each-other.
I know its amazing and one of the hardest parts of the game, I love it. It’s one of the few non raid fights that are still a real challenge after all this time.
It may just be another one of those things that was designed mostly with a 4 player group in mind. I know Terramorphs was whole heartedly designed with individuals playing in a 3 to 4 person group. I just feel like even with the fact that there are a few less enemies and less aggressive dose not make up for the amount of strategic value lost by having less then 3 people. I love the slaughter domes but RPG loaders and ION loaders waves can both straight up go screw themselves Dealing with ION loaders is simply a matter of what action skill augmentations you have or what grenades you have and RPG loaders can literally down and out you with even the slightest mistake.
I kind of though the Crates would be a good idea but then when me and by buddy tried that the explosions where clipping though them and downing us that or the enemies where not actively coming at us. Again I think its best suited for a group of 4 sadly I only have a couple buddies I play with and there both on different schedules ergo is hard to find time to have us all sit down and put good time in to the game. I will give the crates another shot though thank you for the tips.
Hyperion slaughter dome is definitely the hardest thing I’ve done in the main game in NVHM (as gone as far as offing the warrior with 2 characters so far working on the third). I typically got about 2 levels from it due in part to deaths but also because enemies were near my level to start. I finished at level 36 both times starting at barely into level 34 (and I was pretty near 37 when I finished it).
The hardest part for me 2nd time around (when I knew what to expect) was wave 5/7 of round 5, aka the Jet Loader wave as Maya, ofg was that hard mode (when I managed to get through it, I got like 7 second winds in about a minute at least one of which was very much last possible moment (that wave was actually easy for Axton because Turret OP).
Strategy is key in there, stay the ■■■■away from the RPG loaders (sniping them down is actually pretty easy, just be sure to have some cover handy, I like to use the scaffold where engineers sometimes spawn and snipe them from there), and watch out for wave 7/7 on round 5 and the badass constructor it spawns (I had the hardest time having enough ammo to finish him off both times because I hadn’t been upgrading my ammo pools).
ION Loaders don’t like Singularity Grenades, it knocks them out of shield mode. The RPG Loaders its best to snipe them out, or pull them out with Singularities. The Singularity method is more risky but hella fun xD
I always have a lot of fun with this. In my play through with Krieg on NVHM I remember sitting near the back of one of the crates (The one @KrewlraiN was in in the picture) and just watching as the Engineers coming from the back of the map jumped straight from the walkway towards me…only to hit the rock wall on the way and fall to their deaths, you don’t get the experience but it’s quite funny to watch.
For me the most frustrating thing about the HSD are the surveyors…I hate those things with a passion. And of course that damn badass constructor at the end of wave 5. It’s actually pretty easy to avoid his attacks if you stay at the back of that same crate I mentioned earlier, then you just snipe through the gap in the crates…so long as you don’t run out of ammo that works pretty well for me.
My tactic is to head for the northern section of the map and camp in that alcove/balcony. You can cover the entire map from there and snipe the loaders on the far side of the map. You have to watch for exploder loaders, surveyors and Hyperion snipers/Hawks- most everything else you can hit before they settle in to attack you. During the later rounds I scavenge ammo and wait for the enemy to come out of the northern door, kill them and take back my camp spot. The only drawback to camping there is that a surveyor might glitch into the rock walls above you; other than that, it’s the turrets that appear during the last waves of Round 5 that give me the most problems. I love using the Dahlminator on Gaige for this arena- it can hit targets on the far side of the map even with high stacks of Anarchy and ignores the propeller blades of the one type of loader. It’s my own personal mark of accomplishment that I completed Hyperion Slaughter with Gaige in TVHM w/o dying once- something I can’t say for my other characters…
They are designed to be a little hard. It helps if you know how to counter every different type of enemy. It also helps if you have weapons that work at long range since it’s good to stay in cover (or at least as much as you can). Shoot the arms off loaders when possible. Let surveyors do their job, they become easier to shoot. Having a gunzerker with an ammo regen class mod or a sire with phase rez greatly helps. If people die, they can still provide sniper support from the cat walk by shooting under the chain link portions.
RPG loaders and Hyperion Hawks are cheating bastards and there are few ways to deal with them. Kill them before they kill you or have a powerful absorb shield.