The more I think about it, the more I think I’m of the opinion that TPS is peak Borderlands:
Vending machines carry Legendary gear available in vending machines at a non-game-breaking rate (rare AF in BL2, non-existent in BL3).
Lots of maps with Varying gravity (none or BL2 - and a few for BL3 with the casino DLC).
Oxygen management was a fun game mechanic (I loved this for balancing the jumping, breathing, and other combat mechanics).
Luneshine (and later Glitch) weapons added some spice to the gear (the prototype for anointments, I suppose. BL2 didn’t have this, and I’d argue that its continuation in BL3 is improved.
The Grinder as a loot sink – I’m still surprised they didn’t bring it back.
Moonstone chests (surprised there are no Eridium chests in BL3 – definitely none in BL2).
Those skill trees are still my favorites to this day.
Lasers (none in BL2; re-categorized in BL3 (railguns and beam weapons seem to have made the transition in the form of other weapons). I’d still rather they still had their own ammo pool.
Cryo (none in BL2, still a thing in BL3, but the shatter mechanic from TPS was way more fun)
Manufacturer allegiance: still on par with BL2: grenades and shields don’t work for this in BL3)
Moxx-tails were a fantastic Moonstone (Eridium) sink.
The Claptastic Voyage is the second best map DLC in my opinion (Tiny Tina’s set a really high bar).
The combat scores from TPS are my favorite in the whole franchise (just barely over a few from Tina’s DLC).
The ‘L33t h4X0rz’ circle of slaughter is the only one where you can select two combat variables and the specific difficulty right as you play. This isn’t a feature of any circles in BL2 nor BL3 (at the moment, anyway). It’s also fully repeatable (where they weren’t in BL2).
The Holodome slaughter is second only to the Magic Slaughter for having fantastic environmental variables change during combat.
To be fair, TPS is a finished product, where BL3 is still in its relative infancy in terms of content (if it’ll be anything like BL2). Ask me again in a few years, but you see what I’m getting at… TPS had a lot going for it.