It’s no secret that not all guns in this game were created equal. However, I do feel that some guns that were meant to be good can neither compete with other guns nor the very game itself. Here’s just a quick list of guns that I think are in a bad spot and could benefit from some buffs.
Snipers in general. During your first story playthrough sniper rifles feel pretty decent. They deal a good amount of damage and allow for a viable crit based playstyle. This changes once you hit level 50 and start doing Mayhem modes. There’s only few snipers viable on the higher Mayhem modes and even those are far from being very good. The difficulty I see with balancing them is that they would need a severe damage buff to keep up on M4 (I’m talking like two to three times their current base damage) and this would make it hard to keep them balanced for lower levels or non-mayhem. Honestly, snipers sort of need to get a damage buff that’s propertional to the health increase from Mayhem. They also need a better ammo capacity, btw. Like, Borderlands 2 also had low sniper ammo, but it did have stockpile relics to help with that.
The Lob: The Lob is genuinely one of the weakest and worst weapons in the entire game. It’s special effect is to shoot large orbs that slowly pass through enemies, dealing tick damage and exploding when it hits a surface. How would I improve it? Increase the damage considerably (up to at least 2.5k), make the projectiles move much faster and change it so they just hit an enemy once when piercing through. Also, buff the explosion damage, the rate of fire and the magazine size.
Malak’s Bane: A Dahl Sniper that has a secondary firing mode that creates shotgun blasts. The sniper mode also ricochets. Sniping uses two ammo and shotgun uses 5 ammo per shot. Malak’s Bane uses way too much ammo for what it actually does, also it doesn’t really deal enough damage. How to fix: Reduce the ammo consumption down to 1 (sniper) and 2 (shotgun mode, or alternatively make it so the shotgun mode uses shotgun ammo, but also no more than 2 per shot), considerably increase damage and crit damage.
The Tunguska: After being one of the stronger rocket launchers in Borderlands 2, the Tunguska has returned as arguably one of the most pathetic launchers in Borderlands history. It borderline does about a tenth of the damage it is supposed to do and a single shot of it can easily be outdamaged by pistols, ARs, Shotguns and even SMGs. Considering that Torgue launchers are some of the hardest hitting weapons of Borderlands 3, one really must wonder what went wrong here. Buff the damage, and I mean by a lot. Anything lower than 10k base is just, not gonna cut it.
The Bitch: Either buff the damage or the crit. Right now, it simply can’t keep up
All COV ARs. The only one that seems to get a little use is the Zheitsev’s Eruption and that’s because of the debuff. They all just need some better stats.
Hellfire: Give me one reason, just one, to not just use a Westergun with fire element instead. I’d say buff the damage and considerably increase the fire dot.
The Mongol: Just make it drop. Seeing it being used in promotional gameplay just for it being unobtainable in the actual game feels bad.
The Bekah: Simular complaint. You can get it exactly once per character. Give her a proper drop source, will ya?
The Garcia: The whole point of this gun is the higher mag size, making it somewhat spammable, so please just reduce the ammo consumption down to 1.
The Wave gun: I genuinely don’t know why this gun keeps returning, I guess it has to be some kind of running gag at GBX. I don’t really know how to fix this design, I guess you could really ramp up the damage or something…
The Baby Maker ++: Uses waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much ammo on reload. And it’s not like the gun itself is good enough to justify shooting it over throwing. Limit the ammo consumed on reload to the guns mag size.
Gunerang: It’s just not very good. The reload damage is lacking and it’s very easy to kill yourself with it.
Scorpio XL: Doesn’t do enough damage. Deployed turret guns get destroyed too easily.
Bearcat: Reduce ammo consumption, improve damage
Echo: Deals too little damage, particularily on crits.
Sickle: Improve the rate of fire and it might be worth using
Magnificent: Too little damage, too little accuracy. Just not ammo efficient.
And that’s just the ones I could think off the back of my head and it doesn’t even include other gear types.