Hey everyone,
Is it worth it to reset UVHM at OP8 to get some of the quest rewards and to reset my progress on Doctor’s Orders which I have screwed up? Will that also reset all DLC?
It’s the only way to get the unique gear such as e.g. the Pimpernel or Sandhawk at your level, so you have to weigh up how bad you want the unique items!
It will also reset all the DLC, yes.
It will reset everything. DLC included.
I recommend it, playing through the game at op8 is awesome.
Everyone should play the entire game at OP8 at less once, its great.
If you enjoy op8, resetting it is normal. If it is too daunting, resetting is hell or even worst, kill your interest in the game entirely. So red or blue pill?
I plan to reset OP8 with all my characters- Sal is done, Maya is doing it and Axton just needs to finish some raid bosses and the Slaughter domes before I reset him (I also reset my BAR before doing an OP8 play thru, so Gaige, Zero and Krieg will be a while yet).
If I wasn’t burned out on the story, I know I would reset it. OP8 is where it is at really.
OP8 full playthrough was easily the most satisfying thing I’ve done in BL2.
This is one of the main reasons that there should be an option to skip normal, true vault hunter mode.
For many, they simply provide no challenge and cheapen the storytelling.
I really hope they address the 3+ play through set up with bl3. The TPS new narration helped but it wasn’t quite enough.
At a bare minimum I would love if they brought it down to 2 playthroughs and just sold the game at max level cap.
Starting at your desired mode would already do the trick, for me atleast.
If it was possible, I would use TVHM to gett familiar with the characters and then go straight to UVHM.
I feel like once you beat all three playthroughs, you can skip NVHM and TVHM.
Hey, its Luke right?
Do you intend doing TPS videos? Not sure if you made a video talking about that.
I was subscribed to your channel because you have some high quality BL2 material.
Do you have to kill the warrior in UVHM before you can reset? I don’t care about most of the mission weapons in BL2, but if I could reset at, say OP1, re-do Scarlett for OP1 pimps, go up to OP5, then reset again just to re-do Scarlett, that would be fun.
UVHM always scales according to your characters. In co-op it scales to the highest level character in the game.
Depending on your character and style of play I’d say that OP0 (i.e. level 72 gear) can hold you until OP4 at least (depending on what it is- weapon, shield, class mod or relic). If you want a particular mission reward at a certain OP level my suggestion would be to ask for a trade and then reset once you reach OP8 if you want to get the most powerful version of an item…