Question: Band of Sitorak

Can this shield roll with Brimming? (5% regen while full.)

Don’t know that. But it just dropped for me w/ the anointment on ASE regen 5% health if that helps

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Good to know. I want one with both. But I’ll settle to farm for one of those in between. Cheers for the answer bud!

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Good luck with the event being shut down today. Seems like you need to put in some work within the next couple of hours …

Haha yeah, I’ve been farming him on and off the whole time. Hopefully they keep the drop rates. It’s been good. Got a nice BBB shield with that 5% health annoint. Might be enough for now.

They’re keeping the drop rates! Yay! Check the news section

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I saw! Gonna make farming for this heaps easier. Good call by the devs.