[Build] Metal Gear Bear - Mayhem 11 Iron Bear Build


It’s only when I’m cheating death on the battlefield. The only time I feel truly alive.


This build has been updated for Mayhem 11 at level 72. It can handle all content so well that it absolutely trivialises true takedown difficulty both at the Maliwan Blacksite and the Guardian Breach. Seriously, you could swiftly breeze through either with almost zero effort.

Metal Gear Bear as a skill build is really more about making piloting Bear foolproof. In the past, the build didn’t have any capstones but with more DLC and the level cap now at 72, Short Fuse is worth getting in this build. All the skills taken are done in order to get the most DPS available while at the same time increasing our changes of negating cooldown duration without having to spend points directly on boosting cooldown rate.

The one omission that you might question is Means of Destruction but that’s because Iron Bear’s grenade usage does not consume any from Moze’s stockpile. The more time spent piloting Bear, the less this skill is required. And this skill as well as Pull the Holy Pin are omitted because the best type of grenade for this build does not require these skills, nor will we run short of them. Our choice of gear will also help explain why we’ve specifically chosen to invest in these particular skills.


Eternal Flame is without a doubt THE best class mod for any build that involves piloting Iron Bear long-term. Because of the special effect, you don’t have to be conservative with fuel, nor do you need to blow points on cooldown skills; you can allocate all the points to boosting Bear’s DPS and afford to burn through all the fuel instead of jumping out with half the tank still remaining. Running on Fumes is not mandatory but a nice QoL improvement nonetheless, while Really Big Guns further boosts a damage multiplier (unique to Bear’s DPS skills in the 4th tree) that occupies its own slot in Bear’s damage formula. Best passive bonuses for Bear are AS damage, splash damage and max health, or you could go for SMG damage and/or weapon damage for Moze.

Bear Trooper & Raging Bear are both very similar to each other in terms of performance when piloting Bear, and they both perform better overall when Stainless Steel Bear gets more and more of the bonus points. Either of these COMs allow you to pilot Bear the classical way.

Flare is great if you want a massive spike in V1 damage to spice things up although I don’t imagine it would be that necessary outside of tanky boss fights. Heat Exchanger is a very niche option if you want to roll with Miniguns for whatever reason, and you can get multiple bonus points for Power Creep but for anything other than its focused hardpoint, you’d be better off using the previously mentioned COM if you want a major boost in DPS.

Deathless used to help Bear get the full benefit of Desperate Measures without butchering Bear’s max armour, but this was silently nerfed a while ago so that it will only help Bear if he has missing armour. Normally, it’s not such a wise idea to remove Moze’s health gate seeing as there are enemies in end game who can destroy or bypass your entire shield with one hit. But in a pilot build with total emphasis on increasing total time spent in the cockpit, the risks to Moze’s 1 hp are reduced substantially.

The prefix doesn’t matter much in this context seeing as Moze is invulnerable while in the cockpit. But outside of it, the Snowdrift prefix makes a tremendous difference for her survivability which you can see for yourself during any of the Takedowns, by allowing her enough movement speed to dodge almost any attack that comes her way. Passive bonuses should at the very least be AOE damage and max health. The final slot can be anything else that is relevant to Bear, but I would recommend movement speed and/or SMG damage for Moze.

Plus Ultra made its debut in DLC4 and it instantly became the new best shield for Iron Bear and not just because of a 25% chance to absorb bullets with 30% action skill cooldown rate for a few seconds. The card doesn’t state it, but an unlisted bonus is that it gives the owner +100% max health, which gives Iron Bear GARGANTUAN armour capacity! And because it’s a Pangolin shield, you can get the Multivitamin prefix (x2 HEALTH parts) for an additional 25% max health on top of the hidden double bonus. Combine all this with the anointment where each kill grants Moze +30% CDR per kill for 10 seconds, and you’ve got the perfect shield for Iron Bear.

It’s Piss isn’t a compulsory pick here but is arguably the best legendary grenade you can choose for this particular build. I’m of the opinion that because Bear’s DPS and sustain from grenades are 100% contingent on the 20% chance granted by the anointment, it’s significantly lower than the DPS and reliable sustain Bear can muster with his own arsenal. Combine that with the fact that Moze’s max health is 1 and she can’t use Vampyr for herself in this build, you may as well go for an option that debuffs enemies and makes your strongest weapons hit even harder.

Dark Army is the reason why we even have Short Fuse in this build. Although the DPS won’t match anything close to what Bear will dish out, it’s still a bit of extra damage and the SMG drones can fire rounds with Big Surplus to increase the chance of instantly refunding all the cooldown. For weapon anointments though, there’s only one worth talking about for this build and that’s 100% bonus Railgun damage while Iron Bear is active.

Unforgiven is mentioned for this type of build because it can be used with Dakka Bear to buff the critical shots from the turret so long as Moze is holding onto it when either she or a friend hops onboard. Furthermore, the Urad anointment works by applying radiation damage to the turret rounds!


For general use, Capacitive Armature is so good for mobbing that you want it on Bear’s right hardpoint. And having Corrosive Sabot Round (with its mag size of 3 rounds) on the left hardpoint makes the most sense because it’s the side that can utilise the fire rate bonus from Scorching RPMs and of course relies on Vampyr to provide life steal for Bear. This combo is arguably the best for negotiating the crystal phases in the Guardian Takedown.

Even though Gearbox gave Iron Bear a massive helping hand, first in Mayhem levels with the damage-scaling and now with the Eternal Flame COM that allows you to break all the conventional rules about being a pilot, the fundamental thing to remember with Iron Bear is that increased fuel-efficiency is key above all else when it comes to prolonging your Iron Bear duration and getting the most performance out of him. This is something that is explored in further detail in this guide for beginners or for those who don’t understand Iron Bear that well. But there’s never been a better time to be a pilot than right now. Bear Troopers, assemble!


Thanks for the share. I would prefer though if there is an easy quick glance cheat sheet or images or list for those people who don’t want to read every detail.

I haven’t read every detail by the way.


Fully endorse doing the Band of Sitorak. If you really wanted to push IB damage, you could pull the points out of PTHP and Vampyr (relying only on the points you get from the COM) and go full Deathless/DM — something like this.

I’d always like more IB damage, but the Deathless relic combined with the Band of Sitorak is one of the most ill-advised gear combos out there. Moze will have no survivability outside of Iron Bear - super-low shield capacity plus max 1 hp in a non-Bloodletter build, so Vampyr wouldn’t be able to do anything for Moze either in that case.

Besides, Desperate Measures wouldn’t do as much in a build like this as you seem to think. Because of the way the damage formula works, DM is Type A so it offers only additive damage on top of SRPMs and SSB. And because of 2/3 TRL, Bear would only get 20% damage because it’s based on Moze’s missing health, not Bear’s. On that basis, I’m not so convinced that DM is worth taking away points from Vampyr.

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it also forgoes a ton of sustain. there’s also the interaction between SSB and Short Fuse that’s providing damage outside of IB.

i tried an SoR bloodletter/deathless skill setup with moderate investment in DW (my COMs and artifacts are very similar so the comparison is pretty pure). it was better raw damage in IB, but it chugged fuel so fast you’d think it wasn’t an IB build and i was just wasting the CD. additionally, it was so much more difficult to sustain outside of IB. even if it cooled down a bit faster due to a bit faster kills the lack of vampyr and to the last made it far too squishy.

raging bear with full investment into DW was slightly less damage in IB, but IB lasted so much longer, and having full access to the DW meant that outside of IB, i could sustain myself and get kills to accelerate the cooldown.

Having a shield with 1 second recharge delay is its own form of sustain, plus ninja rules apply :wink:

Seriously though, I spent some time casually investigating the actual delta between the three main damage COMs (Bloodletter/Deathless with 3/3 DM, Raging, and Best Master) while farming the Unstoppable (skill layout). The Best Master’s damage was the best (~17k per Vanquisher rocket), followed by the Bloodletter (15k), and the Raging Bear (13k). Each BM and BL kill left you about half a tank of fuel, but the Raging Bear surprisingly had less than half a tank (though that might be due that weird issue where you spawn with a gauge that isn’t full).

Wanna see Corrosive Sabot Rounds do 12k impact and 59k explosions on flesh crits?

21k non crits?

I’m super stoked that we both posted Bear centric concepts around the same time…Bear needs the love and respect!


Oh, I’m a believer in the Church of Sabot – I was just using rocket pods because it is easier to spot and compare damage values.

That’s what happens when Gearbox thinks it’s a genius idea for a COM to focus on continuously boosting a stat that only comes back in diminishing returns…

Bear absolutely needs all the hugs he can get right now! I might be one of those who will be glad when Maliwan Takedown does go back up to 4-player scaling by default, but what I will say is that the current scaling feels kind of right for Bear and a build focused around him, and that’s the only thing about it I’ll miss. I had a lot of fun toying around with IB-builds the past few weeks, but I still think Gearbox needs to do more for Bear.

Considering I had to break every possible interaction to create what I did, I couldn’t agree more.

After using the Jack dummy on Sanctuary to conduct some testing, I’ve learnt that the Band of Sitorak’s bonus weapon damage conclusively does NOT stack upon each instance of the shield breaking. I reset all my skill points to be extra sure of no other interactions going on. I broke my shield 5 times and I tested the damage when it was empty and after it had fully recharged. It does what it states on its card - 22% bonus weapon damage when empty, and no bonus damage when the shield starts recharging.

Perhaps the Band of Sitorak did glitch out in the past and perhaps was stealth-fixed. Or whoever originally claimed that it did stack weapon bonuses perhaps got mistaken by some other interaction going on and claimed the shield was responsible. So I have deleted the text from the OP stating that the Band of Sitorak can be exploited by stacking its bonus weapon damage.

It’s a hefty boost, and often procs. Maybe it sits in its own multiplier in the math, because it x crit x short fuse is pretty meaty.

There was no mistake. A few of us had “bonus movement speed on deplete” BoS shields and at the end of certain encounters were suddenly super fast. If it’s fixed, awesome, but most Deplete Based Shields had/have the risk of behaving weird.

@Spacerobots demonstrated with a Brawler Ward last week

Hmm perhaps it’s just the movement speed bonus alone that behaves strangely. I didn’t even hear about the bonuses stacking until recently when Moxsy said in one of his videos why people should farm for the Band of Sitorak, and he specifically said that the bonus weapon damage stacks as well as every other passive. But I found that weird because I didn’t notice anything of the sort when using the Band of Sitorak in this build or in any other test build I was running, so that’s why I tested it out.

There was no mistake and you don’t need to be condescending.

I’m not the only one who’s made a video showing it but I was the first.

I’m in the same boat as you. As a matter of fact it was either @kabflash or @sammantixbb that brought the stacking to my attention and I take their word as gold … but … when I tried it it wouldn’t stack! :unamused:

But that’s Borderlands for ya! :grin:

Well you had my hopes up that it got stealth fixed so I recorded a new test.

Alas, nope it’s still broke af.

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It definitely still stacks damage. But, I’ve noticed it doesn’t always do it. I’m hoping it does get fixed because it’s my favourite shield.

The BBB is the alternative I use when I want to prove a build works for cooldown. A BBB with the Cooldown on kill anointment is almost as good as the BoS mentioned in the OP. I say almost because I don’t have and have never seen someone have that god roll. I’ve been farming for it since the last loot boost event.

@kabflash have you tried it with any shield boosts relics/skills/coms? Does it make a difference with stacking? I’d like to figure out what can cause it not to stack.

@DoctorDragon did you find a sitorak with 30% cooldown?

When I use a BBB with it and an early exit build I’m able to get IB back by the time Some for the Road is over (basically, like 1 or 2 seconds after).

We did more testing in here

Best I can guess is Shield Reboot is causing the stack behavior. but it’s just a guess.

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