This is a build that works on three items that are all easy to collect. And work together nicely.
The basic idea on this was unlimited ammo, with almost no overheat. Easy build up to max corrosive – but most important of all
A build that can be put together with minimal farming.
Something solid to take a player through mid-levels until 50th and then hold it’s own in Mayhem where other builds may shine better.
The idea is not really a “best build of all” but a very solid playable and fun build from 30-50.
You get the Chad and can farm the banjo at around 25th level … and you can go to the Casino at any time and it drops all over the place. Even the entrance where you can pick up the All-in Shield.
Since this is for that user trying to do something with 30+ skill points you might try to have an alternate character get to the Chad quest early and have your Moze hold off until about 40th so you can keep a reasonable Chad around.
Grab a copy of Brad Luck from the Casino when you can. Otherwise use best anointed COV weapons as you find them and/or fall in love with them. I would build up your SoR ( Shield of Redemption ) Tree first and then the Demolition Woman.
Look down lower through the notes somewhere around 40th and once you got decent Mods and Shields later in the game and see if you like’s ideas surrounding abandoning the Shield of redemption and going into Bottomless Mags instead.
Green Monster Mod : Drops all over the place in in Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Extreme Hanging Chad : from Chad in Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6 at level 50 it does 340x2 damage which is solid with a 5.5 fire rate which is solid.
Electric Banjo : From the Psychobillies in Ambermire also on Eden-6
Keep an eye out for Brad Luck – always Ice which combos well with any other element. You get that after finishing the main quest line in the Compactor of the Casino heist DLC
Skills :
Shield Tree ( 1xSecurity Bear and 4xArmored Infantry ) (5x Drowning in Brass and Vladof Ingenuity) ( both of Full can of whoop ass and Experimental munitions ) ( 3x Desperate measures ) (4x Phalanx Doctrine and the Force Feedback ) (Tenacious Defense )
Bottomless Mags Tree (5 in matched set )
Demolition Woman Tree ( 5x Fire in the Skag Den and 3x Grizzled ) (3xMeans of Destruction ) ( 3x Pull the Holy Pin and the Autobear ) (2x vampyr )
You need to spend a point to reach Vampyr. And that is too good for you and the autobear. Full can of whoop ass and Experimental munitions are not mandatory – but you can experiment with dropping one Means of Destruction for each one at a time to see if you like it.
You have full access on the Railgun, all but the mini-nuke on the grenade launcher, and the minigun can at least be used with limited heat.
You want your Green Monster mod to boost “Click click” because your Hanging Chad will always be overheating. Get the best Click Click available.
Weapons :
If you invest in Matched set you really do not need more than 3 COV weapons. But if you do all 4 slots and you will never run out of ammo and you will never overheat. You will always be running at (nearly ) 100% bonus corrosive damage and 100% bonus fire. Add in an Electric banjo Artifact and you have at least 2 bullets hit per second that do Electric+Fire+Corrosive taking down shields, armor, and health all at once.
I am mot pumping the fire that much on my build but you could .
The other three weapon slots are kind of y our choice as long as at least 2 of them are COV you will honestly be stunned when your Chad overheats. I tend to select specific ones based on their anointment more than anything else.
Again as noted grab the Brad Luck too – it pairs nicely with the Hanging Chad.
If you are lucky enough to ultimately find ( or farm ) a Shock Infinity. You are set. With that you can actually choose pretty much any artifact you want instead of the Banjo.
Grenades :
Now as to why I chose to go with Demolition Woman mostly over Bottomless Mags. First, your Chad IS bottomless. Second Vampyr is that good. But there is a third point.
Your grenades are also affected by the Mod!!! Not the first one. But all subsequent ones.
So your choice in grenades are those grenades with the most procs. A Homing grenade that splits in flight twice bounce 3 times gives you 5 grenades with additional Corrosive!
( This also works for those anointments that add Shock/etc after Skill End – but those work best for FL4K and his Rakk Attack ).
Shield :
Shield is all the usual suspects though with a Front Loader I would probably want a really good Shock resistance and a good Anointment. StopGap is awesome. So is Improved Version 0.m ( Maliwan ). The Big Boom Blaster is interesting – I am not positive but it seems to add grenades while in Iron Bear ( I may be picking up boosters dropped before climbing in though ) – some of the 75% boost to shield and health are nice. I am not as sold on those in a Deathless Bloodletter build. Mathematically it screams fun shield numbers. In practicality it takes so long to get the shields up you run out of time for the 75% bonus. On the other hand on a Green Monster Build 75% boost on exiting Iron Bear are fine. That is the beauty of Auto Bear.
Relic :
Electric banjo !!! This is the capper to this build. Unlimited ammo with fire+Shock+Corrosive.
Until that time, you can look out for Flesh Melter relics as they can boost your corrosive output.
Variances on Build :
I have also experimented with an alternate build that drops the 5th and 6th tiers of Shield of Retribution tree as well as 2 of Drowning in Brass to fill up the Demolition Woman tree so you can get ALL those shots off the Hanging Chad with possible explosions.
Both work fine. Shields high to start with and refreshing on their own or healing on the boom boom your choice.
**Honorable mentions * made a post that had me test out quickly the addition of electric banjo to this build. Prior to that it was good. That took it to the next level