Looking back at Fl4k

So looking back at old fadeaway videos and seeing the damage compared to now, what was the point of the nerf? I really wish gearbox would put the stats of what people are playing right now to see that zanes and amaras builds are “limiting build variety” even more so than original fadeaway. Honestly would love to hear gearbox comment on this and old vampyr hex combo for moze too


Don’t worry, they will come out with a COM in the next DLC that will make Fade Away OP again. It is how things get fixed.


That was supposed to be the Stackbot, but you see how that turned out…


I honestly never saw why gorillas in the mist needed nerfed, giving leave no trace a cooldown was a great balance and it really made me feel like rakk attack was a good action skill when compared to Fadeaway. Now it’s just all snafu.


Don’t worry, the new COM on the upcoming DLC adds 3 seconds to GiTM plus gives it 25% more crit dmg.


Wait really…?

Sadly, I dunno. That is what was nerfed out of GiTM.

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How did it turn out? That COM seems pretty powerful to me - if I take all my shots while in Fade Away, they’re all guaranteed crits, so I can’t miss (only body shots remove the buff: if you whiff entirely, reload, swap weapons, whatever: the buff remains). Note: you can’t use a King’s/Queen’s call for this unless you’re in Fade Away when you fire: the extra homing shots will not be crits, and will wipe your stacks. If you fire while in Fade Away, even if it’s the last shot so they hit when Fade Away has ended, they still crit, so no prob.

Here’s a healthy set of stacks (buffed by Fade Away and a Re-Router shield) giving a Hellwalker 1M in the test range (it’s a million and change - if I take the shield off, I still hit for 993K). Add your own OP weapon (what’s the rage these days with the kids? Ion Cannons?) for what should be ludicrous amounts of damage.


The bug that just about everything under the sun resets that bonus, including unavoidable things like pets and GR.

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Target dummy is a poor place to gauge the efficiency of a COM. That Hellwalker wouldn’t work in mobbing situations because your incendiary dots, ricochet projectiles and even pet damage will reset the bonus. Its useless on 99% of practical setups righr now.


Those are largely avoidable enough - I just one-shot an Anointed (am only at MM2 here) while the Spiderant went over the rest of the mob, so I’ll take it.

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Also to add on. Chain gain zane is literally fl4k’s old crit build before the nerf


Shhh we don’t want gearbox to nerf the dude. In all seriousness, I can see why you would say that.

I hear ya, Fl4k is in a weird spot right now between skills and coms. Base FA is crazy powerful with anoint cycling and all that but GITM sort of fell off for me at M4. I think at the very least… They could take another look at LNT. If you’re going to hamper GITM duration and damage, why force a reload for all but Call-style weapons too? super limiting.

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I still main Fl4k, my dps is on par with my Zane/Amara playing friends. Fl4k needs some form of life steal outside of specific dps limiting annointments. For instance if TTaR gave life steal instead of health regen while moving.

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Me too, but expectations from the community were that it would be perfect… everything had to be magical

Not only that, Gamma has been neglected since launch and even now they won’t even buff his comparable GB Anointment when they are buffing the other class’. I believe this because they go off popularity and not functionality.

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They buffed it the day you posted that comment. You live up to your name.

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He definitely needs life steal. I don’t know which one they should add it on but personally I think they should make it themed with what Flak does best… Criticals. Like for every critical you do, you life steal a percentage of it.

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Yeah the nerfs to Flak and Moze were completely pointless knee jerk reactions. That much is clear at this point. To rectify this, they should just revert the nerfs completely. Especially because even in their vanilla state, Amara would still be stronger. The reverts would just bring them up to Zane’s level.

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