Firesale Long Musket: yay or nay?

In various threads and topics I have seen various guns come up as being good or bad. I don’t think I have ever noticed any comments on this one:

This sort of surprises me. In fact, when I got it I assumed it was just another bad legendary because I didn’t remember ever seeing it discussed and I had never gotten one before. However, when I tried it…WOW. This thing is amazing. I’m not sure if it’s universally amazing or just goes particularly well with my VH build or abilities (like TTB + personal space) or it’s the anointment or what but it incinerates most things on TVHM M4.

So it got me curious about what others thought about this gun that is apparently the only flamethrower in the game and one seldom discussed (that I have noticed).

edit Just thought I would add that I use this in combination with a Brainstormer.

  1. Grasp target.
  2. Shred shields (and probably kill most things) with Brainstormer.
  3. Anything still alive gets incinerated with Long Musket.
  4. Profit.

I like it - short range, but the damage is fantastic.

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I had watched a video where someone had included it in one of the 10 worst Legendaries list (granted, he only went on what he had dealt with firsthand) due to its weak reload damage. People did chime in on the comments that it was indeed a great gun.

I finally got a lower level one (26ish) and it wrecked face. I also since then have a lvl 50 one but haven’t used it much - figured I’d give it to Amara when she gets up there. It’s really great but requires you to be somewhat close range.

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Yeah, it’s very short range which is why it pairs so well with TTB and personal space. I grasp target and just stand directly under them and literally torch their ass. Sometimes I jump while doing so to get maximum ass crispiness.


I got one to drop with a stackable 5% bonus damage on kill for 25 seconds. I liked it unannointed so with this annoint it should be pretty good. it is a short range beast for sure.

Moved to loot and weapons.

Just found one of these. So what’s it’s gimmick for the red flavour text?

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I don’t know that it does anything in particular with regard to the red text other than it being a flamethrower and it’s a reference to Elon Musk and his “not a flamethrower” flamethrower:

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I love this weapon, in fact I spent most of yesterday trying to farm it since I only have one at level 35. It’s no longer dropping from Chupacabratch. Any idea where it was moved? Trying to get this while the farming frenzy is still on!

I’m in the nay column because I feel like an incendiary LASER SPLODER does the same thing only better.

If the reload would chase an enemy down like the smart gun and scorch their behinds I’d be more on board with it.

…it does though, doesn’t it?

Also, laaersploder up close will kill you

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If I recall the reload is stationary and strafing. I could be wrong.

For what it’s worth the LASER SPLODER has never killed my Amara but she is healed by dealing elemental damage and her targets are almost never moving, your mileage may vary.

it is a beast but being elemental locked holds it back since most of the enemies have either shield or both shield and armor and fire is weak against both, so the gun can only truly excel against wildlife enemies in M4 settings, i do love it tho.

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I’ll have to try it with Amara again and see if her ability to apply other status effects to it makes it viable against the general population.

If it could penetrate shields it’d be very useful.

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I have one with the Gamma Burst Anointment. Wrecks. Lol.

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It’s not terrible against shields but I use it in combination with a brainstormer. For enemies with shields I hit a few shots with that and shields are gone. Then if they aren’t dead already the Musket makes short work of them.

Long Musket is great, especially the thrown crab-turret reloads, they have insane aggro range and you can have up to six out at once. Can walk through the Creature Slaughter by just tossing them out and letting them chew through the waves. Literally the only thing it doesn’t do is direct damage thrown reloads, you only do 1 point of damage no matter what. Its a full inversion of most Tediores and it makes it pretty much the best Legendary for them.

Anyone know if the damage on this gun considered splash damage?

edit Just tested and it is. Love this gun!