BL3 is crazy boring… I’ve run through everything on M4 on all characters. Moxxi DLC is trash since it’s like any other story line. Endgame content is non existent. And if you’re going to tell me there’s PG and TD and Slaughter, I’m going to stop you right now because I’ve ran all of that hundreds of times solo on M4. Literally nothing to do in this game except farm guns, and don’t even get me started on farming in this game, it’s a complete joke. Leaving and entering a game over and over really is a just a terrible system. I had my fun for a month, but now this game is trash. And in the future they will increase gun levels as the level cap increases??? Such a terrible idea, a lot of people will abandon this game at that point, if haven’t already quit before then… This game is way to simple and boring and has nothing, ABSOLUTELY nothing that will keep me wanting to play this game.
I’m sincerely curious as to what you think the outcome of your post will be?
Idc of outcome. I care that there are more and more people posting about how trash this game is
I’ll just post another thread with a different title to stir it up even more. People need to know this game is not worth their timr
what happen if they bring bl2 hunters back, like Axton, Gaige, Sal and Krieg? of course if a dream, because they will never do it.
Well you can’t really force an opinion on someone. You can always offer your take, as we are all welcome to that privilege.
I still play the game. My wife hasn’t since October. We all feel different about the game.
What fascinates me most in this game will sound ridiculous. I love the music, the sound effects of this game. The sound team did a fantastic job, from the sound of weapons, the sound of music transition. The game play is nice and refreshing to the series. I could however point out a lot more wrong, but the game play and the sound is what keeps me around.
im hardcore gamer and I thought this game was going to replace my obsession with eso, an MMO in console that’s all about build variety. This game has none of that and costs $45.00 more than eso. Such a rip off and a joke of a game.
Why did you think a looter shooter would replace an MMO?
Because I thought it would be a good game
Hissy fit noted. Enjoy ESO.
It is a good game so you thought right! Good job thinking!
Considering running the base game and the DLC with each vault hunter likely took you between 100 and 300 hours depending on how thorough you are, I’d say the game was worth.
have to say all these threads with people throwing their toys out of the pram are starting to get a little hilarious. If you don’t like the game, just put it away and play something else.
Wait a minute, I want some! Don’t be greedy:)
The bolding is my doing …
I am not a professional but the word in bold text might be the root problem and not the game. I encourage you to find healthier outlets for your passions.
I wish you well.
I would have recommended playing BL2 or Pre-Sequel first as they have exactly the same formula and you can get them on sale for next to nothing. If you DID play them, I would have kinda thought you would have avoided BL3. Just thinking ahead for the next decision to dive into a franchise mid-way at full price. Sorry you hated it. It does have some problems.
I really think bl3 came down to .to many hands in the pot .the out come was all over the place .
2nd A new writing team this in its self was a bomb
The new writing team is probly one of the biggest things that pushed a lot away.
Not tring to hate all over them lol but new teams can very easy make or break a game
I my self am just waiting for the bl3 collection to come i cant really see the dlcs as worth the price wile the game is in the place it is right now.
But to each there own.
Oh this thread should be good… Lemme grab some popcorn…
Take your ball and go home.