Have a draft of your favorite brew, sit back and relax and take a bit of a break- before deciding if you a- want to start knocking out BAR challenges, b- start a new character or c- try playing a different game for awhile. Congrats though- Gee is a major PITA- hope you at least got an Ahab for your problems… 
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Haha yeah, sounds like a plan!
Also sounds like a plan! And yeah, that mechanic of “absorb stuff to kill” is so irritating. Unfortunately not, I got the other one, Tattler is it?
Tattler is a Hyperious drop- aside from the Ahab I have no idea what Gee drops…
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Gee drops the Ahab and the patriot. Neither are worth the trouble.
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(N.W.A. - Ninjaz With Attitude -)
Master Gee also drops the Devastator, a Torgue pistol. Still, the Unkempt Harold is better than the Devastator, and much easier to obtain.
That’s the one I got, the Devastator.
I knew I was forgetting one.
the Devastator is probably his best drop, even though it’s not great.
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