Cutpurse: how does it work?

With the stat bloat of M4 enemies and especially with anointed enemies I frequently find myself running out of ammo. It has been suggested to me to use a cutpurse to fill my ammo back up but this just doesn’t seem to work for me. It appears to only refill the gun you have equipped and only fills like 20 bullets or something.

Considering the difficulty of TVHM M4 it’s not really feasible for me to stand there punching mobs like 50 times with each weapon equipped. If mobs were easy enough for me to do that I wouldn’t run out of ammo in the first place. I end up needing to use my weapons to keep from dying which depletes my ammo again faster than I can replenish it with melee attacks.

Is this artifact only viable in certain builds or am I missing something with how this works?

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If your playing as Zane, give the Face Puncher to Zane Clone and then use another weapon.

Not playing with Zane and I don’t have a Face Puncher.

this is one of the best recharger,no facepuncher needed can recharge in one slam any ammo from safe range as long as the rockets from slam hit an enemy

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That’s what I have but I been just using melee on enemies for ammo because that’s what it says. The text doesn’t really convey anything about slam being associated with the ammo refill. Will try using slam instead. Thanks.

yeah that the trick . Slam counts as melee and best of it the rockets from the slam too! so you dont need to get close to refill all ammo for equipped weapon in one go

Just to be clear, if used as intended, you’re not supposed to use cutpurse to refill your entire ammo pool. It’s meant as a “hit and run and fire” kinda thing.

I use cryo alot. Freeze and melee when low on ammo. Takes a bit of practice but it works. Bladed weapons give a better return on ammo as well.

No. I refill my entire smg ammo when needed just switching to this artifact with just one well aimed slam . Once refilled i switch back to combat artifact

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It’s not that effective unless you’re using a facepuncher with large pellet count (and you main a shotgun). Each pellet does melee damage, so an x14 facepuncher will have you at max ammo in 1-2 hits, and you don’t have to run into a crowd of enemies with no ammo.

Yes. That’s awesome. I’m talking about a single cutpurse with out a rocket legendary attachment.

OP posted about whacking enemies repeatedly to get a full pool. That’s…not what’s expected in use. What’s expected is you melee enemies when they’re too close so you don’t run out, or once as you run by for more.

Not “run my pool out. Lemme go reload my bag by whacking an enemy a bunch”

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I just tested the slam on this and it does refill entire ammo for currently equipped weapon with one slam so long as the rockets hit an enemy. It’s not ideal and maybe not the intended use of the artifact but at least it’s an option to refill ammo with a couple well timed slams and then can swap it out for regular artifact.

I assure you that with a bit of practice you will never have any ammo problem ever again. You just have to plan a bit when you see you are running low, keep one mob alive, wait for the boss to have an idle phase… once I even leeched ammo from Wotan when he is jumping from tower to tower

I think they intentionally evolved M4 around cutpurse, change my mind :slight_smile:

Outside of some boss situations, the majority of my characters/builds don’t need A cutpurse on M4. The one that does is my completely Asking For It 4 Shotguns build. And I’m not some meta goddess of build creation.

That’s the best I can do at changing your mind.


Best attempt ever for REASONS!

But nothing could change my mind for me because I use very ammo consuming weapons on my two characters.

Fl4k uses melee to restore and my Zane uses clone/face punch combo.
Fl4k gets the Otto Idol version because he’s special and more squishy.

Moxsy has a video using a Big Boom Blaster shield that drops ammo pods to refill the Ion Cannon

What character?

terror ammo regen is still my go to ammo regen.

This is with Amara.