Hello. I’ve been maining Zane for a long time but I used to play Moze and had to stop due to Iron Bear crashes. They’ve since been fixed and I finally got the urge to come back and show Moze some love. The last build I posted for Moze was ‘Terminator Moze’ which was a Terror based Lyuda spam infinite ammo build.
I love making builds around themes or specific weapons and so for this one I chose the ION Cannon. I very much like this weapon and have made a Zane build around it which was a lot of fun. I wanted to do the same thing for Moze. We will be using only the ION Cannon even though I’m sure some people would tell me a Quickie or equivalent would be quicker and easier for some things.
Changelog 1/06/20
CHANGES click arrow to expand
Removed excess points from Vampyr - Now run with a total of 3 after +2 from class mod so 1 point spent.
Moved points from Grizzled to Deadlines. This is because I’ve been enlightened to the fact that Grizzled had very little impact. Having 3/3 Deadlines will allow me to take some shots from inside Iron Bear at times with very little detrimental impact to the playstyle due to less cooldown being affected from less fuel use per shot.
Remove point from Explosive Punctuation due to the same issue being brought to light that Grizzled has.
Added 5 points to Armored Infantry for more damage and damage reduction.
Playstyle change: Making full use of Click. Click. by fully emptying mag and backpack reserves before engaging content and doing our best to remain as close to 1 rocket in the mag as we can. This has resulted in a lot more consistency in 1-shots in the Slaughter Shaft, and even many more collateral one-shots then I experienced before. It did not slow down the aggressive play-style really at all like I thought it would. So I stand corrected here and am very happy now making use of Click. Click.
New video explaining the changes and showing some SS game-play incorporating them:
–end changes 1/06/20
Changelog 1/10/20
CHANGES click arrow to expand
POINTS REMOVED FROM - Security Bear(1), Some for the road(1), Specialist Bear(1), Vampyr(1), AutoBear(1), Pull The Holy Pin(3), Deadlines(3).
POINTS ADDED TO - Scorching RPM’s(5), Drowning in Brass(5), Experimental Munitions(1)
For bossing we now use a Green Monster with +4 Scorching RPMS and +1 to Iron Bank (skills not that important). For mobbing we use Blast Master with +2 Vampyr and +3 PtHP (Vampyr important).
Clip explaining changes and showing Billy the Anointed 1-shot
–End changes 1/10/20
- Build around the ION Cannon.
- Build around Blast Master, thus no reloading.
- Do not use Terror to accomplish the no reloading.
- Be able to complete M4 content solo such as the Takedown and Slaughter Shaft.
- Fun.
Ion Cannon! - We are doing M4 content so make sure it’s anointed. ASE +125% Splash Damage bonus (multiplicative) is going to be the best one. You want high mag sizes for good regen. At least 10+ base mag size is preferred, less then that is difficult to upkeep. X2 is more damage. You need a Normal Damage a Shock and Corrosive variants for optimal play.
Blast Master - +splash/aoe/heavy/wpn dmg- at least one of these. +hp regen is nice. +magsize is nice. I prefer Pull The Holy Pin and Vampyr as skills but this is preference. To match the build will need +2 in Vampyr for a total of 3.
Snowdrift/Last Stand - Best artifacts to use IMO. +splash/aoe/heavy/wpn dmg- at least one of these. Again +hp regen and magsize are the best extra bonuses. Otto Idol as a suffix is great otherwise just whatever you have.
Grenade Mod - I personally use an Epicenter anointed with ‘ASE cryo damage’. You can use On-thrown anoints as well. Use any nade that is quick and reliable damage for reliable Vampyr heals. Have 1 nade for fights like Wotan that is anointed with ‘On action skill start regenerate 1 grenade’.
Shield - Good shields for the build are Re-charger, Stopgap, Transformer. These are pretty standard shield choices for Moze. My personal pick is a Re-charger anointed with +75% hp and shield when exiting Iron Bear.
Auto Bear Cancel Spam - This means we get in Iron Bear and get out of it immediately to refund maximum cooldown and proc ASE anointments.
Aggressive tactics - Always be shooting, always be positioning, always be mindful of IB cooldown
Important Skill decisions:
Forge - I wanted to use Blast Master and I didn’t want to use Terror. I tried a lot of varients that didn’t use Forge because I wanted 11 points in Shield of Ret tree for survivability. They did work but didn’t allow the aggressive game-play I was after. Forced to take Forge to achieve the aggressive style.
Security Bear - I made this change because I noticed while doing Takedown during the bridge and Wotan sections, Auto Bear was being killed immediately. I ended up very much liking the versatility and survivability it added to the build and the fact it allows me to be even more aggressive in my game-play (showcased in Slaughter Shaft clip).
Matched Set / Iron Bank - Mag size is extremely important for the upkeep of our rocket regeneration. Rockets regenerate very slowly with every single method except for Terror. So because of this we need to take advantage of every edge we can to improve on it. For reference it will take Forge around 7 seconds to give you a single rocket with a 20ish magsize.
Pull the Holy Pin / Some for the Road / Redistribution - Honorable mentions, we don’t get a ton of use out of these but they are again extra little nudges for our rocket regeneration and preservation. We need every bit we can take advantage of.
Explosive Punctuation / Grizzled - The build is partially focused on ASE and Autobear plays both into our surviving and proccing of regeneration skills so these are very important.
Mini-gun with Exploding. Bullets. - Equipping these on both arms gives us the most bang for our buck for proccing Vampyr/Means of Destruction/Explosive Punctuation. This is because it has a high fire rate, fires constantly and Auto Bear will always hit targets with it. It has an especially nice synergy with EP a lot of times giving you Iron Bear back before Auto Bear ends. Taking Specialist Bear also makes these arms do very good damage.
Skills not mentioned are either obvious choices or less significant choices.
Skill Build:
Skill Tree Click Here
Game Play and detailed build explanation Videos:
- First Video has in-depth build explanation and a M4 Takedown run minus the Wotan kill.
- Second Video is my cleanest Wotan kill at the time of making this topic.
- Third Video is round 5 of the Slaughter Shaft.
Clip showing build after tweaks made on 1/10/20
Build explanation and Takedown run:
Wotan kill:
Slaughter Shaft: