Borderlands Inspired PANTS

Lately a lot of my sister and my newer costumes have required us to make cel-shaded pants. And we love them so much that we just have to wear them casually as well!

Here is our collection of our fan created pants! *still growing because we just can’t get enough of Borderlands swag!

Created by

Krieg Pants

Marauder Version 1 Pants

Marauder Version 2/Steve the Bandit Pants

Fiona Tales from the Borderlands


Very impressive! Fionas pants are probably my favorite. Such a great job!!

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I’d love to have the K’s one…but have no cash xD

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Wow nice work!

“I am the pants!” - Rakkman

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Now those are awesome, I want some.


How much for Krieg’s pants?

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I’m conflicted considering how you should not be wearing pants while playing ( @Derch come see this)

Seriously though, awesome work :smile:

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I know I saw this thread and I thought those are pretty cool to wear when you are not playing borderlands.


Those are made to order. All the pants go no less than $150. At the moment we are not taking commissions until December 2015 but if you want to get on the waitlist then fill out this form :smile:

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How I hate to be an unemployed student xD

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