So I am currently OP1. I did the first RunThrough with friends but I died early on. I decided to continue alone. Currently I’m farming Pete’s bar for Torgue tokens so I can buy a DPUH. I have a good slag weapon, and a swordsplosion. Is there any tips you guys can give me?
The DP grind is quite the grind… You will be upgrading your arsenal every few OP levels. I completed OP8 with friends, so I can’t give any solo advice (I feel DP was designed for multiplayer).
You will want Cooldown relics. The cover in some areas is sparse, so you will need to Decepti0n a lot.
Deathmark and Kunai = Must has!
If there is no Maya around, Surveyors are your number one thing to take out. My method of dealing with them was using a Dahlminator. Zer0 can speed up the bullets (Vel0city) on this thing, and tw0-Fang + Dahl Zoom = machine gun mode!
Use Singularity Grenades for crowd control, or Bunch em up for some B0re! If you can get a Quasar, even better!
Ugh its been a long time, memory may be rusty…
When you get Dunkino’s Mom thrown into the mix, Giant Rock is love; Giant Rock is life. Circle around Giant Rock and shoot her. Giant Rock is mucha cover.
You can B0re Glitchout the Spidertanks and the OMGWTF by aiming at that joint were the weapon and body meet… If I remember correctly.
If Constructors show up, try to kill them ASAP, or make sure to disrupt the building by shooting them in the eye. Some areas its a bit hard because of lack of cover. All they have to do is construct Slag Skags and Surveyors and then much frustration happens.
Blaster Nomads and RPG Loaders = Dicks. Assassinate!
The Assassins arena… That pipe is the best cover you got in there. If you can bunch em up, you can circle around said pipe. That Assassin room and the Saturn’s are the hardest part of the peek me thinks.
The Turret Troll Train lol! We tend to ignore it when it shows up. That area has loads of cover and its easily cleared out. Then Troll Train choochoos off somewhere.
When we got to OP8, Maya and I shamelessly BeeHawked… So much fricken HP to shoot though! My Sandhawk wasn’t even an OP level gun and it was still enough to get though the stage… Our Kreig and Salvador didn’t BeeHawk.
When we hit double Saturn, we eneded up splitting up. Sal and Kreig on one, Me and Maya on the other. Keeping them split up defiantly worked out.
Brain is out of info for now!
First thing to remember, the DP OP(except 8) levels are set. Meaning, for example, at OP7 there always be the spawn with 2 BA enemies at the beginning(and 3 BA surveyors at the end :D). Some enemies are random, but generally speaking, the levels are always the same. So, if you fail, you know what to expect and can adapt.
Secondly, I really, really, REALLY recommend to learn the basics of melee. Some areas are hell with gun/sniper Zer0, and(relatively) a cakewalk with melee Zer0. You wouldn’t need to fully spec. into melee, you would just use it for tough moments. Check the dotanuki’s build for general ideas.
Alternatively, you can use CA prestacking on Bonehead to pass the tough moments.
The gear I recommend:
DPUH + a Stalker mod + Sheriff’s Badge(you can wreck the majority of the enemies, even the surveyors and Dukino’s mom);
The Bee;
Melee set(Rapier, Grog, Chain Lighting, Legendary Ninja, etc) and Grounded Pun-Chee(it can potentially have one problem: due to the general high capacity, you wouldn’t be able to strip a specific version with the Chain Lighting, without a shock relic. You can use the Storm Front, though, or just hard-quit and farm for better one). You’d also want a Grog+CL for general healing.
CA-prestacking set(a low-level Droog or Lyuda, ammo relic, etc. etc), but keep the Grog and CL for healing anyway;
A shock/corrosive Lyuda or Anarchist.
Aaaand… that’s it. Don’t bother with RLs, unless it’s a Norfleet.
Unfortunately, you will need to refarm your gear. I’d recommend to acquire your first set at OP3, and refarm at OP5-6.
Also, at OP5-6 you can get a corrosive Pimpernel. It’s not absolutely required, but it will make your life much, much easier. You can also grab a shock/corrosive Sandhawk.
Thirdly, the Peak for Zer0 without the gibb… best gear… can be tough. However, it’s absolutely surmountable. I know, because I’ve done it several times. From OP0 to OP8 with 100% legit gear. And I’m darn proud.
And finally, it would be much easier with friends.
Anybody want to be my friend? All of mine are on 360. I’m on Xbox one
Just died on the assassins.
The Assassins will be a pain to manage. My tactic with Zero was to head for the pipe and wait for Oney and Rouf to show up (this is OP4 IIRC- OP0 thru OP3 includes bots and surveyors as well as turrets), slag them with Magic Missiles while Deception was active and then blast them with a shock weapon of choice (either a shock sniper, Anarchist or SMG- I’ve yet to get a Twister) and then use a Good Touch to finish them off- rinse and repeat for the other two. If surveyors do show up try to take them out first- not only are they dangerous but they have the nasty habit of glithing into areas where you can’t harm them- which would mean you’d have to quit and redo the whole level again. Sorry I can’t offer more than advice but I’m still on the 360…