Sheriff's Badge vs. BoA for a Lady Fist?

I’ve heard some talk that the Sheriff’s Badge will give more DPS than the BoA. Any math or evidence to back this up?

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Bone because the damage comes after the big crit and the cool down is huge.

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The fire rate is not worth it?

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Not with the lady fist IMO, its a crit machine not a spray and pray like the dpuh.

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As long as the element matches though, right? If his Lady Fist is non-elemental or slag (for example), the Sheriff’s Badge should give more DPS?

But: if the Lady Fist was (for example) fire and he was going into Washburne Refinery, would a Bone of the Ancients still be better than a Sheriff’s Badge? It would depend on how big the off-element debuff was vs the higher fire rate and weapon-based damage buff, right?

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Salvador has very few damage boost skills, so the fact that the Bone offers a multiplicative bonus is moot.

Depending on your platform, the Sbadge is usually a bigger boost to DPS (frame rate will affect your actual fire rate, so it might not be true)

Don’t forget that the badge boosts fire rate AND damage.

I say Badge in 95% of cases.

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The cooldown can be so important though chuck, I know its hard to equate that to DPS but maya, zer0, and axton at least really love that cooldown.

Also remember this is a gun with 800% crit

100 x (1 + 22%) x 2 x (1 + 800%) x 1.75 = 3843


100 x 2 x (1 + 800%) x 1.75 x (1 + 39%) = 4378.5

When you start to add more into that equation the difference just gets bigger. If you crit with the lady fist you should down your target in 1-2 bullets unless its a boss/raid so thats why on a gun like that for most of the game DPS doesn’t seem as important as the single shot.

Now on console if you are sal chances are you are already running into fire rate caps with just a few of his skills if not maybe with him.

But with zer0, maya, and axton I go Bone.

Krieg is most likely hellborn if using the lady fist and doesn’t even need his action skill, but the bone could still do a lot for him.

Mobbing I still go bone because what is DPS when you only need 1-2 shots, then fire rate isn’t an issue.

Raids the badge if you don’t run into fire rate caps or need the cooldown.

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I would go Bone with Axton Maya and Zero. But Sal…

The cooldown is almost useless on him: he even has a skill that does the same thing and most people don’t even use it.

I get that there are fire rate caps, but the increase is above 50%, so even with just, say, half of it actually working (the rest being cut for being between 2 caps) it would still be nearly the same total increase considering the damage boost too.

Don’t get me wrong, the Bone is still a good choice, but on Sal it’s not clear which is better. Unless one is willing to do all the maths for a specific situation, I’m pretty sure that the badge is better on average.

Though, in a build designed to shoot with the fist (and not just use it for the crit boost) with a suave renegade COM, the Bone might be better since it’s the setup that gets the most damage bonus to be multiplied by a bone.

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Does anyone run a dual lady fist sal, that could be fun

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Lady/Grog would actually hurt more, since grogs bonus is type B.

Well…it would hurt more… Per bullet. Dunno about total DPS. :smile:

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yeah but doesn’t the crit go both ways with sal, so hitting wtih 2 lady fists each with 1600 crit seems legit


It is, but with the grog it’s 2400% instead of 1600%.

Grog has 200% type B

So 800% X 3 > 800% X 2

Of course, if you shoot twice as often in the other case… The DPS will be higher. In that case though, I would definitely go with a Sbadge over the bone since you probably won’t be using 2 fists with the same element.

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