Best new Moxxi Heist Flak guns

What’s the best rakk attack or other groll flak gear from the new dlc?

I would say lucky 7 and Ion cannon is a must have.

Ion cannon I get how powerful it is, but what is great with lucky seven, I don t understand how this gun gimmick is profitable?

I saw this Torque one called the Burning Scoville on a FB group that looks insanely good…

Its a challenge DLC reward I think…

Its very gimmicky true but it can blow bosses and mobs away if you get good rolls on it when reloading I had gotten 1 with 100 percent dmg increase on rakk and it wrecks.

ok i ll give it another try with different vh I have an annointed one but not very pratical something like increased crit while airbone if i recall. Or maybe it s good enough in fadeaway i ĺl test

Slow Hand with 100% dmg boost on rakk hit has been really good for me. Regular slow hand isn’t bad at all either on M4, especially electric one.

The Craps is good if you’ve got ASE dmg boost on shield and grenade.

Lucky 7 is super fun for me, but I get that it might not be for everyone. I actually enjoy the run n gun play style it requires at M4.

Digbys Smooth Tube is a fun quest weapon, I used it on loaders for a while. It’s decent and a fun change from shotties and pistols for me.

Anyways, hope you’re having a great holiday!

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That gun is amazing for fl4k if you get amped sevens, as long as you fire no more than 3 shots a second to allow leave no trace to cool down the damage is insane and they’ll make that clip last a while especially with Megavore. I saw a moze using it and even though moze didn’t have the damage output per shot her bottomless clips make this gun lit.

Other than that gun my Fl4k does good with craps and the weapon you get from Ember’s crew challenge I have anointed versions though, and I have no doubt Fadeaway can do good things to the ■■■■■■ non sniping sniper.
I’ve got a heartbreaker with slide damage increase which is actually a pretty good anointment for that gun, it’s not amazeballs but I don’t know why it caught so much flak over it’s performance.