I’ve switched from an Infiltrator build with a focus on repeatedly activating action skills, to a Seein’ Red build that uses CCC.
I’m missing out on a lot of good skills by investing so heavily in the green tree. I either have to forgo duct tape mod and avoid the digiclone and its skills, or not put any points in tier 5 of the SNTNL tree.
How are people utilising this new mod? Grenade spam could be promising, but I would either need to ditch CCC or invest less in the SNTNL tree to work it, which would suck because it contains most of his kill skills, as you know.
Fun fact. If you get some points in Good Misfortune (Kills Uptime For AS), this mod makes CCC Borderline irrelevant. My Drone and Clone had 100 percent uptime in every fight. It’s absolutely bonkers.
Playing M4. With a partner. Being able to not care who gets the kill is amazing.
Like @sammantixbb said, CCC is really conditional based off what route you are going. Each tree has perks to help keep your AS up. I go CCC and double barrel clone, even with the new mod it really helps the build.
Also a side note, on M4 very few grenades work well.
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("Barriers are for the weak. Or the tryhards"-Zane)
I’ve been getting good results with a mixed between blue and orange with only one skill in the green tree. Those two have a lot of really just good kill skills that you’ll want to benefit from.
I am the Cryo Grenade for my partners Melee Fl4k. I ran a Cryo recurring hex and when my clone got into a good pocket, we had Launch Moze level madness
according to my testing single point in good misfortune is enough to allow you going down the clone tree as far as old U which works great now. only reason i would go past confident competence in undercover is if i want futility belt or distributed denial atm.
Curious what the point in a CCC build with that would be? CCC is upkept by freezing through crits or cryo, neither of which the Rico would help with. DD on the Rico would though theoretically help keep action skills up with Good Misfortune/Seeing Dead, probably infinitely without effort.
(Cybernetic Ghost of Pandora's Past from the Future)
You generally use Frozen Heart with CCC to proc it, not a gun or a com. This com is meant for gun and running with a balanced build invested in tier 1-3 of Zane’s trees. Executor/troublemaker are still his best coms in general in my opinion.
(I guess no one goes here anymore)
(Cybernetic Ghost of Pandora's Past from the Future)
The skills it buffs are the tier one hitmans? And it’s not meant for a full down tree I thought. It’s not gonna benifit a tree all the way down like Executor does with +3 to the duration skill
(I guess no one goes here anymore)
Well, there’s a lot to unpack here,
I’m not sure where to start. Lol.
We’re talking about Seeing Dead. The new Moxxi DLC COM that buffs kill skills and also makes them possible to activate on any shot.
This includes Good Misfortune and Fractal Frags.
(Cybernetic Ghost of Pandora's Past from the Future)
Seeing Dead is the com i thought this was about. Antifreeze I didn’t look into. Don’t own the dlc yet.
(I guess no one goes here anymore)
I’m just gonna point out the thing that gave me the biggest headache: Frozen Heart will never give you a reset Action Skill if it’s yours rhat goes off because it’ll just recharge your shield