Greetings All,
Here I am again, with another one of my “Design” threads. Not trying to be an armchair developer or anything. I just want to explain why dedicated loot drops must be nearly guaranteed from sources. I would like to explain why from a purely design perspective using the realities of farming and very bad math skills.
Some of you have already scoffed at the title. Thinking that I must want everything handed to me. No my friend. Please read what I have to say so I can explain why Farming is literally impossible in BL3.
Borderlands 2 Comparison
Variation within a single piece of gear has exploded in ways that couldn’t have been accounted for in Bl3 when compared to Bl2. There would only be an issue if that variation was made relevant. In borderlands 2 many guns had parts that didn’t do much to change the way a gun functionally benefits you. Typically your biggest relevant variation within a gun is Double Penetrating vs non-double penetrating. That was a reasonable variation and made farming not seem so monumental a task. Drop rates had to be OK. They didn’t have to be fantastic, Yet it seems like BL2 had ON AVERAGE better drop rates than Bl3 by a long mile.
Borderlands 3 is not like that . The variation has taken a new level. Anointed Perks have corrupted a manageable yet imperfect machine and turned it into an out of control downhill spiraling mess that will only get worse as difficultly increases(level caps and Mayhem mods) and new anointed are added to the game via content drops.
The Facts
Some of you do not know, but we have over 70 anointed perks in the game. I believe 50+ of them are weapon specific. With shield and grenade getting a pool of around 20. That means at MINIMUM there is 50+ different versions of a single weapon. You think that’s it? Well yes… but no. Lets stack 6 different elements. lets stack double penetrating vs single fire. Lets put prefix’s on there. Guys I haven’t been in school for a few years. But lets do a TINY example.
If the legendary weapon you are looking for comes in:
- only one element(Hopefully right?)
- only one prefix(This is a extreme lowball)
- only has 2 ammo modes(double penetrating or not?)
- Comes in 1 of 50 anointments(oh crap it can come in no anointment too. So double ALL OF THE MATH YOU SEE BELOW)
There is (already) literally 100 different versions of that gun. Now add just one other element choice? 200 versions. lets add just 3 prefix options which most guns have more of. Whelp There is now 600 versions of that gun. Hopefully it’s not a maliwan gun with 2 different element modes! And the Developers are constantly adding entire batches of anointed types with every content drop(terror event, Takedown event). Wev’ve reached potential thousands boys!
We the players are not only suffering through RNG to get the damn gun to drop. We now are hoping the one gun relevant to our build is dropping out of potentially 100s of variations. I could eliminate the entire prefix category and there would still be comfortably hundreds of variations of one gun on average in BL3.
Class Mods are probably worst
Guys I haven’t even BEGIN to talk about Class Mods. There are 38 secondary stats in the game. If i remember how to do math, from secondary stats alone, There are in between 8436-9880(couldn’t remember the formula) different combinations of just that subset lol. I haven’t even mentioned the Skill buffs in class mods, Which MULTIPLIES these base numbers. NOT ADDITIVE. This is bonkers. They put these things behind Trial Bosses?! Does that make a iota of sense to you?
The Solution
In M3 or M4 and above( I don’t care which but I lean towards M4). Dedicated Loot Sources need to have nearly GUARANTEED drops of their dedicated loot. It needs to rain legendaries. Anointed Gear with the introduction of M4 are no longer the “icing on the cake” of builds. They are the glue that makes builds viable. We can’t have them buried under LAYERS of RNG. Class Mods should have NEVER been allowed to become this varied and now the player base is dealing with the consequences. They MUST Be nearly guaranteed from their dedicated farm.
This is not borderlands 2 anymore. This is not an MMO. I can farm and successfully get a specific legendary gun to drop 50x and not get the anointed I need or the prefix I need or the combination of prefix and element and anointed I need.
disclaimer: If my math is off at any point please do it for me. I am positive the numbers will still be unacceptable. I forgot how Permutations and calculations with or without replacement worked to be honest.
Last Piece
If you feel like nearly guaranteed loot drops are a step to far I implore you to try to farm General Bean on Athena’s and test the waters. You will see that even when a specific gun is guaranteed on a easy save/quit farm of a weak mini boss, it will not be as rewarding an experience as you may think. And this is literally the lowest common denominator. The grind is still there.