Health Regen Build

Anyone able to recommend good items for a straight up health regeneration build?

I run a green/blue tree mostly for stacking as much passive health regen as possible when playing in a group. Also curious if anyone else plays a similar build?

If you work up some of the red tree the spiderant has a built in healthregen thats boosted by barbaric yawp

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That’s in the blue tree which I already have

But without red tree investment your not recieving the elemental boost from scorcher (it’s almost invincible with a health regen build), i found rage n recover isnt as helpful as simply having an otto idol though

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I’m not sure I follow. Why would I need to invest anything in the red tree if I can equip th spidetant with 0 points in it?

The seccond spiderant has an elemental damage bonus (its also immune to incindiary), third has a damage reduction bonus ( also immune to corrosive?); in the same ways that great horned skag has a bonus to gun damage n so on. These "pet bonus’ " are boosted by barbaric yawp.
To add to this, headcount is an amazing skill to shorten cooldowns of your chosen action skill

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For the extra effects of the other spiderant. Scorcher gives 10% bonus elemental damage, and countless gives 5% damage reduction. You could just take the base spiderant, but you’d be missing out on some major damage.

If you want a pure health regen build, try a DARPAW or Overclocker class mod. Both buff 2 or 3 health regen related skills. Prioritze the Master and Stalker trees. Spiderant is njce passive regen with barbaric task, but it can be easily supassed by just focusing on a few skills in Stalker.


I’m working on a great build for survivability, do you have the terror anointment that heals 25% on ase?

Personally I use the HP regen per second Terror anoint because I use crit damage and extra pellet Terror anoints.

I mix in The Power inside and Rakk Attack and I can spam those things to proc the 50% gun damage almost all the time. I

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I would also not recommend the Countess over the Scorcher just because it feel like the damn thing attracts damage. Not sure if it is the bigger hit box or what but it dies faster then any pet I see out there XD

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The terror healing over time is pretty solid but I personally wouldn’t recommend an anointment that requires terror to be inflicted.