Juliet's Dazzle

Anyone been able to get an Annointed one from the shift code? All the ones I’ve seen are exactly the same. All non-elemental as well. Just curious if the code gives a specific version

No… have redeemed 11 (and presumably have seven more to redeem). All identical, much less anointed.

I was just about to post a similar thread to this one. I also just got this:

I haven’t used it yet but it looks like an interesting effect. Refilling ammo on kill looks like it could be good but the immediate thing I noticed was no anointment. Why GB? :frowning: Couldn’t you have just put a generic anointment that applies to all VH like on ASE do XYZ? The fact that this has no anointment immediately makes it sort of inferior. Come on GB! Why rain on your own parade?

Also, to @Adabiviak how do you redeem more than one of these? I don’t get that statement. It’s a one time use code…?

I have nine characters, each of whom got it once (which makes sense). Their inboxes were all empty yesterday. Today they each have another one of these sitting in their inbox (which doesn’t make sense).

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OK, I guess that makes sense. I guess if you got 11 identical versions it probably doesn’t come in any variation including with any anointment. That’s a real shame. :frowning:

Sadly, this gun seems worthless on TVHM M4. Enemies take too long to kill which renders the reload bonus severely lacking. If it had a strong anointment it might be more useful/interesting but don’t think this is a viable gun in M4.

Moze can make it work because she can regen ammo fast enough to power it, it comes in Double Penetrating, it deals splash and it’s accurate enough to get lots of crits but the refill clip bonus isn’t really needed.

It’s only about as good as a Purple stranger using Sticky ammo unless stuff, by some miracle, lines up for you often enough to make the penetrating bullets worth it but it’s a decent addition for people who wanted a full auto Torgue gun.

It’s a pity it only comes in Physical and Cryo tho.