How are you using the Red Card shield?

What niche have you found for this shield? It’s so… risky dropping your shield to the floor for some damage.

I gave it to Moze to use with Tenacious Defense: she gets the shield damage but it basically only drops 60% instead of 100% (so I’m not super vulnerable, and I get some weapon damage buff). It appears to do damage based on the shield capacity, so Moze (with a healthy allotment of points in the Shield of Retribution tree, a Deathless relic and Bloodletter COM) gets the shield to 29K for 42K (fire) damage on slide impact (on the test dummy: 54K in the field).

She can actually fire this twice in a row, feeding off the immediately restored shield from Tenacious Defense, though the second impact does less damage because there’s less shield capacity at the time. However, since Tenacious Defense will still be on cooldown, this will put you in the field with no shield and a single health point, so I’m not sure I’ll be taking advantage of this.

I understand some Zane players were using this to get a damage buff based on low shields? Anyone else using this to take advantage of the shield’s mechanic? Have you found a good anointed version (or one with good effects)? Say, “after exiting Iron Bear, gain 75% increased shields and health for 25 seconds”? :drooling_face:

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I’m using it as cash :slight_smile:


I thought about combining this with the snowdrift relic, to rapidly slide into an enemy and then slide away from danger, or follow up with CQC, but it just doesn’t seem to do enough damage to justify losing all your shield. Even with my Amara, who needs to be up close to do her max damage, anyway, there are better shields to use.
Interested to see if anyone has better ideas for it, though. =]

What’s this?

Close Quarters Combat, it’s a fighting technique which Snake was using in MGS3 :slight_smile:

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Maybe with Fleet (10% movement speed when depleted) and Siren anointed to return damage after action skill.

But good luck finding that :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Thanks. Yeah, basically melee, shotgun, smg, etc.

If you’re an aggro player the shield is (no pun) a blast, especially if you get the frozen snow shoe or a red card recharger from the raid. CCC Zane’s can use the frozen snow shoe and it will instantly recharge and sirens can buff the damage easily to give a kick to melee builds, literally. Though now you’ve got me making moze just for that shield thank you I needed a reason.

I’m guessing this snake fella gets in fray and brushed shoulders with enemies alot which is the type of style Nova shields complement the most.