Quick question. Assuming I do everything, including side missions, of the main game starting from Lvl 50, what level can I expect to be at once I defeat the Warrior?
If you do ALL main game and side quests, and starting at 50, I would guess about 60-ish? I usually complete DLC1 (Scarlett) up to just before the end of “Getting to know you”, all of Torgue except the tier 3 raids and select side quests, most of Hammerlock, and almost up to the end of Tiny Tina, plus Marcus mercenary day. That gets me around 70 or so, then I do odds and ends or mobbing until I hit 72 before going back and completing Heroes Pass/Warrior, Handsome Sorcerer, and side quests with unique rewards I want at max level.
It also depends on if you’re doing any farming runs or trying to knock out challenges to raise your BAR. I managed to reach level 72 before finishing at the Warrior but the only dlc I did was Capt Scarlet and Mr Torgue (no HH packs)- heck, even at OP8 I still haven’t done the Sir Hammerlock dlc with everyone…