Petition to replace the Dakka Bear turret by a third smaller equipable action skill Iron Bear weapon. It would be the same as the other Iron Bear weapons but do half the damage. You could activate it yourself and if someone actually get in the third weapon, they could control it.
The Dakka turret is just a waste of time and DPS, you do much more damage by using your own weapons. I get the fun side of things but I highly doubt much of the playerbase even hop in it when they can…
Dakka turret is risk free damage. It also can give a homie a break and recharge. It’s unlimited ammo. You can also hop out and let IB shoot grenades and use the turret as a 3rd gun…not bad for one point.
By holding the action skill button moze drops out a stationary manable turret with its own cooldown? Sorta like fl4ks attack command…
In its current state - its useful in that who’s using it doesnt recieve damage even during brief autobear
Have you tried it in Slaughter Shaft M4? I was testing out rocketeer and dakka bear does so little damage, by the time I could get 1/4 of a single health bar down, Iron Bear would just turn and kill it in 2 seconds.
I get this, in the chance you’re out of grenades to heal or you want your shield to recharge for a few seconds I guess… But you can also just run around a corner for a moment too. It has a very fringe usage. Plus that accuracy is so bad haha.
Personally ive never even specced into it but i did hop on someone elses to refill my shield to reproc TD since i do mindsweeper, seemed to serve atleast that purpose
Sometimes it’s an ok choice to get you to Rpms. Not even the best choice, but i mean 1pt in matched set does basically nothing, and scrappy is scrappy…
No. I pick the hardest difficulty and simply wouldn’t mind it being a little more viable. The damage on the turret could be 4x as high and it still wouldn’t be that great, but it’d be a little fun to use sometimes, you know?
I also don’t think it should be removed, I said I wish it was built in if it wasn’t going to be changed. I really like the idea of it.
[quote=“twoPIZZA, post:2, topic:4215136”]
Why even make it do less damage[/quote]
TBH I was just saying that so devs dont somehow see it as op…
[quote=“twoPIZZA, post:2, topic:4215136”]
Maybe make it drain fuel or something instead of less damage?[/quote]
Thatd be a good balance I guess?
[quote=“Facehuggybear, post:3, topic:4215136”]
Dakka turret is risk free damage. It also can give a homie a break and recharge.[/quote]
I dont know about you but Iv played all Borderlands and their DLCs, if you need invincible “frames” in vault hunter mode to recharge, your build is just not that great…
[quote=“Steeveyb, post:4, topic:4215136”]
By holding the action skill button moze drops out a stationary manable turret with its own cooldown?[/quote]
Wouldnt mind that either aslong as they turn it into something actually usefull.