I’m playing as fl4k and I don’t know which vault hunter I should choose next
Zane is the best…
Sorry, I cant
For my particular playstyle, it’s Zane and FL4K. I’m all about having Pets/Drones since I play solo 99.99% of the time. Having extra “soldiers” I can send out to help me fight is just kinda my thing!
If they ever get Moze working as intended, she’ll be my 3rd character, 'cuz mechs are cool!
And that’s all I can really tell ya. As always, Your Mileage May Vary.
Zane isn’t the strongest but I love his utility he is the only other character I completed the story with besides fl4k. I think Amara and Moze are kinda boring(no offense to moze and amara mains).
For playing through the game, they are all similar. For end game, Amara has the edge on the other vault hunters. All vault hunters can do all content, just some have a few more hoops to jump through.
Amara or Moze, they have good survivability, Zane is a little on the weak side (buffs are inevitable though), hard to build in a way that works well ATM during end game. Amara and Moze have a lot of flexibility in play style. Zane does have the best dialogue tho. Moze is the only character that cannot second wind herself through a skill tree perk. so if you play solo and like having your pet bring you back up, or at least buy you a little more time in FFYL mode, Moze doesn’t have that utility, though she is definitely the most tank-y character if you build on her shield of retribution skill tree tho. Zane and Amara have insta second wind skills, Amara’s is Guardian Angel in her brawl skill tree (has a cooldown but secondwinds instantly on knockdown), and Zane has one in his doubled agent skill tree where he sacrifices his double and gets back up Old-U (triggerable only if the action skill is active, your clone needs to still be standing because he can die before you have a chance to activate Old-U, and you have to press a button to activate). If you like ricochet Amara has a skill in her Fist of the Elements skill tree that basically turns any weapon into a Jakob’s style ricochet gun. Moze is very fire damage heavy, Zane is very ice damage heavy, and Amara benefits most from electric damage from what I can tell, just as some elemental generalizations. Moze can also benefit from brand loyalty if you have a favorite manufacturer. That’s basically just a bunch of general info. I’ve lvl 50’d all my VHs except Amara who is very close. So playstyle generalization is FL4k-crit heavy power house Moze-fire/tank Zane-ice/utility Amara-electic/ elemental/ brawling/ how the heck is this one character this OP did they even do any game balancing tests when they made this chick?
PS I love Zane, I love playing Zane, I just don’t recommend him, cause he is not very strong compared to the others.
Strongest is not always the most fun. In BL2, Sal could pretty much erase anything by aiming and holding down the fire buttons. That got real boring, real fast to me. Zane’s been my fave so far because his mechanics are the most unique IMO. I haven’t played Flak yet but it’s not calling to me so far.
Best character for me, Moze. Might not be the strongest, might have some pretty big issues with her build varity right now, but fun factor for me is unbeatable. Zane comes close second.
If you mean best as in strongest - amara…
I’m making different characters for different things so I don’t neglect any. Got Flak for bosses, Zane for mobbing and Amara for Maliwan Takedown. Haven’t decided what to do with a moze, just started working on her to 50. My suggestion is think what you’d like a 2nd character for and pick based on that
I picked Fl4K first and haven’t felt the need to roll another character yet b/c I feel like I have more than enough build variety and endgame viability with them. also i love the pets (even when they are annoying) and i think Fl4K is the funniest/most interesting VH
I am not sure if I will try anyone else in the near future but I would have a hard time picking between Moze and Zane since they look pretty fun for different reasons…I think Moze would be a better fit for the way I usually play Borderlands games, which is ‘do a lot of damage at the cost of survivability.’
thank u everybody for your input it gave me a lot to think about and i think ill play zane next
Go moze. Tons o fun. Besides, stuff gets too crazy, mech it up and clear the room
Zane is a good choice for actually having fun, not the strongest. but definitely fun. even if he’s not the one I recommended for the “best” he is the weakest of the 4, but he’s solid. and buffs are inevitable.