Update on Moze's new legendary mod

Couldn’t find previous thread but we can now see all 3 skills available for it.

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Pretty interesting, looks like Click, Click will become a 5 point skill. I wonder how much the corrosive damage bonus caps out at.

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WOAH wait what? That’s kinda crazy - are they already messing with skill trees again? Also that class mod looks to encourage a SoR+BM build. Hopefully they add manual heals to the other trees, because without vampyr, Moze can only heal herself with gimmicks like Transfusion+Tedior

EDIT : i’m happy to see them continue to mess with skill trees. Moze SoR could use some love. She needs more healing options. Zane needs dmg buffs and passives on his kill skills. Fl4K is - I dunno. I assume they need love, but havent played a fl4k since i hit 50. Not my playstyle.

I hope they let it scale to somewhere around 100%-200%, I really hope they don’t cap it at something like 50% where it would compete with the grenade/shield annointments for total damage and be inferior to Blast Master most of the time.

I’m hoping for at least 200%. Reason being (assuming they don’t add sustain to BM or SoR) you lose out on survivability compared to Blast Master. Furthermore, it seems to get the bonus you need to continually fire as opposed to just not reloading.

I also read that the new annointment that does increased damage on consecutive hits caps out at 250%. Haven’t tested it myself though.

Whenever I first see mods I try to figure out the developers’ intention with it. Like what’s the obvious builds, and what’s the less obvious builds. Assuming only click click is being changed from 3 to 5 in the dlc (kind of doubt it), what synergies are there here?

I’m seeing a dope corrosive Short Fuse build, currently you can only take 2 click click if you go to Short Fuse.

The 5 point thing was something we knew. The 3rd skill is what was new info. I hope Click Click is better after patch. I want to use it for my CoV build, but it really hard to get what I need for the build. I’ve done every capstone with mixed results.

I don’t know which I find more interesting, Click, Click going up to 5 points, or Thin Red Line becoming a 1 point skill. The screenshot shows 1/1 :open_mouth:


Good catch. If that’s the case it would really mess with the builds that only put one or two points in it to still stay above health gate.


Oh damn, can’t believe I missed that. That’s nuts!

Wait a minute… That’s weird. Could mean a change to health gates or something.


Actually, I just noticed the mod the person has equipped is the same mod. And has the same amount of points in TRL, and they have no reserved health…

edit** OR it could show that the bar is full and puts the reserved health into shields, but keeps the health above 50% or something. Sorry I’m confused, and have no idea seems like the skill is changed totally.

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Oh. No.

This is seriously going to screw with shield capacity. I hope that at least it’s getting a major buff on how much health is reserving.

Hmm… even better catch. That’s really weird. Maybe they are redoing some skills completely.

Or this is some internal build they are just using for test purposes and not intended to be final. Either way we’ll find out soon.

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Yeah, I noticed the same mod but didn’t look at the health. I originally got my shield icons mixed up. They might have changed the skill entirely. If people are going use the deathless more than likely anyway. It might now be a shield recharge skill. IN THR SECOND TIER!!! YAY…

Also a good point, who knows

If it’s a recharge skill I really hope it would be more useful than what we have now haha

The moment I saw that it was 1/1 skill, my initial suspicion was that they’re revamped the skill entirely and abandoned TRL as we currently know it. Perhaps they realised that because any VH can enjoy the benefit of the Front Loader and Deathless relic, no point in having it as a skill. That, or they’re doing it so people can’t slap on extra shield capacity when Moze has already reached 1 hp.

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Well yeah, that’s the idea. Lol

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Ehh that’d be just what we need, more nerfs to bloodletter :roll_eyes:

I kind of hope it’s just like give 100% bonus shield for 50% health or something, while keeping you at full health to avoid this health gate business.

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