Non-legendary guns you want but never find

A few weeks ago, my brother hit level 50 and started gearing up for Mayhem 3/4. He asked me if I could keep an eye out for Hyperion Hosts (alien-barreled shotguns) since he’d found a cryo one and wanted a level 50 version. I figured, being a common rarity gun, I’d find plenty within a matter of days, I just had to actually pay attention to purple drops for a bit.

Since then, between the two of us we have found two Hosts, both incendiary.

I’ve also never seen a Carbuncle and like…3 Protuberances (Torgue alien-barreled pistols and shotguns, respectively) I think I’ve seen several alien-barrel guns from the other manufacturers (except Jakobs? Can they even spawn with alien barrels?)

It’s made me wonder what other guns are considered “common” (by the game) but are actually rarer than some legendaries.

aside from 3 legendaries (king’s call, queen’s call, rowan’s call) Jakobs guns cannot spawn with alien parts. it appears that the tediore electric 4 mirv homing shotgun that’s become VERY popular suddenly is rare, tbh i probably sold more than a few of those before everyone started looking for them.

edit: i don’t typically pick up much that isn’t orange tbh tho. so i’m not an expert on the rare “common” guns.

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double penetrating tediore pistols

Jakobs can’t normally spawn with alien barrels with a few legendary exceptions like the Rowan’s Call.

I have been looting every Purple Alien Barrel I have found since I got the game on preorder, and I only have around 50 of these guns. None of these purples have been a Carbuncle. Just to show how much of a hoarder I am have 80 some mules of weapons, purple class mods, relics.

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Same here (though I’m only keeping one instance of any given manufacturer/type/element; when I find a better radiation Broodmother, for example, I sell the inferior one). I’ve found a few Carbuncles… only a couple worth keeping. I find (and love) the Vladof Pushdug fairly often though; the super fast PAPAPAPAPAPAP as all those darts pop is very satisfying.

Torgue Protuberances at purple rarity have eluded me… have a couple of blues, but that’s it. On a date with KillaVolt last night, he dropped two Torgue alien-barreled launchers (Lump?) in elements I didn’t have before. Blue rarity, but I’ll take 'em.

The one I’ve been lusting after was a purple-rarity CoV alien-barrel AR, but I found one not too long ago; the others I’m catching as RNG allows, looking for anointments.

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i’m on xbox, maybe it’s different but i ignore the carbuncles and protuberances i run across, there’s too many.

As I type this, I found a nice Maliwan Interloper in a vending machine. A number of people seem to be looking for these sorts of things, so I bought it. Anyone interested (on PC), just ask. Obviously, first-come, first-served, but I’ll update this if someone claims it.

edit - on topic, I’ve been collecting quality shields with both spike and nova damage. I’m on the hunt for one with dual attributes in one or the other category (or, if possible, both). I love using this with my radiation-focused FL4K, and have a similar one in corrosive and cryo, but am looking for fire and shock still.

2nd edit - found a shock Carbuncle (shockbuncle :laughing:) in a vending machine, figured I’d buy it and hang onto it for a while in case someone here wanted it.