Back today showcasing my GammaVore FL4K solo kill of Wotan the Invincible in Mayhem 4 (still set to 4 player difficulty at this point in time). Not relying on tediore chucking methods or fadeaway, this build instead uses gamma burst with red fang to shift as much aggro as possible to your invincible pet while you’re able to maneuver quickly around the arena with a snowdrift relic focusing on Wotan. Brainstormer + megavore + headcount will recharge your gamma burst nearly immediately if you can keep the enemies tightly grouped. Enjoy!
I think snowdrift is what separates this build, getting ■■■■■ by missles was still causing me to lose atleast half my solo runs especially when enemies had increased AoE. I definitely need to check if I have an otto. I’m a little confused about something you said though, when did Fadeaway become dependable in the raid?
I have seen a Fadeaway build evolve from garbage to actually on par with other Fl4ks and Amaras in the past 2 weeks though. He doesn’t even have to use the cutsman anymore, kid got gud, but still most Fadeaway builds lack that kick from what I see playing with them.
In the raid you can use three shot fade away to trigger ASE anointments pretty well, thanks to the density of the mobs and our friend the Brainstormer giving you back cooldown crazy fast. Dakquan made a video on that if you haven’t seen. It’s also not a bad technique for boss farming, sometimes I will use three shot fade-away with Until You Are Dead to run past stuff and then three shot fade-away into anointments to farm. Depends on the boss though
Otherwise fade-away is lacking a little in anointed synergies, GITM fade away with terror is still a good build depending what you have but it is less damage than rakks + ASE anointments. My first takedown clear was with that, and I like using the build in slaughter shaft for survivability reasons, and cause it’s fun to use the dictator out of fade away.
I had thought about using base Fadeaway with taunt and extended healing before but it just always seemed lackluster compared to rakk in dps and gamma burst in survivability.
But I actually saw this guy shred, not quit melt, the Valkyries while in fade away yesterday. I was also shocked to see that his damage to Wotan was not only noticable but good while in Fadeaway. As reference a week ago he was useless in Fadeaway and after.
The only thing I could think of is he scored a good artifact and class mod with cool down and can Fadeaway every several seconds to take advantage of ase anointments, since rakks are the only one glitched out to not recharge easily.
Yeah I found snowdrift to be the most useful even with the gamma burst taunt approach because the missiles track like crazy and it’s your best chance of avoiding them. Also because I don’t clear lots of the adds in this approach and focus on Wotan itself, being able to get around them quickly is important. As far as fadeaway flak Vs this raid, it’s 100% viable and a great example of this would be the work done by Dakquan who has made several videos using fadeaway builds to solo it. This is why I differentiated this run from those using tediore chicks, fadeaway or rakk setups as there aren’t any other runs that I could see on youtube using the gamma burst and movement speed approach the way my build did, another option for flak players to use if they’re struggling to take the fight on solo
I saw a guy looking for a redfang and an anointed it’s piss and I thought that was an ingenuous way for gamma burst builds to solo when they don’t have all the right anointments.
I’m farming one right now for a r4kk p4k build.
Yeah an it’s piss with a bonus on ase elemental damage grenade would be ideal for the Wotan fight, worth the grind for sure
good kill.
use the recursion it will be way easier. it goes through the shield, also if you spam it when he’s splitting in half its like 1/3 nothing happens 1/3 you one shot one half, 1/3 you one shot both halfs.
I’ve seen the recursion runs, that method doesn’t really appeal to me but I’ve seen it work well for others
ah i see what platform are you on? I am interested in the gammavore build. I guess its even more survivable than fade away build is the theory, and defiantly more survivable than squishy r4k attack man.
I’m on PS4 man, and yeah in terms of survivability nothing comes close to gamma red fang builds for flak. Couldn’t recommend it more honestly
Fun build, but it’s such a polished build, you really need those anoitments on that gear to make it work on Mayhem 4. Which I guess is the point of Mayhem 4.
I switched up my gamma build to yours and the DPS of yours is much higher. Fun stuff. Now to get you on my PS4 friends list for a shot at that Maggie.
Good build! I’ve been hunting a Vosk’s Deathgrip with Gammaburst to see how fun it is to use with GammaVore Fl4k. I figured that while the mobs are distracted I can just run up and stick them with the Deathgrip.