I’ve found this relatively popular build to be quite handy on Zane (rough rider, or to idol, infiltrator mod), but have found the need to modify it. I feel that Zanes greatest strength is his ability to do damage in bursts through the ‘Seein’ Red’ end cap skill or whenever he gets a kill skill. So this build focuses on activating skills rather than extending them.
COM: Bashing Shockwave Infiltrator
+3 in Violent Momentum. Mine has good rolls with a health and mag size increase. This mod empties the shields whenever you activate an action skill, which you tend not to notice if you run Rough Rider, but I run;
Shield: Ward
This has decent capacity, giving more protection when you want it. When you want it empty, the COM strips it. Gives 2% health regen a second, but when depleted, gives 25% bonus gun damage, 80% melee damage (irrelevant), and 4% health regen. Combined with certain skills, this makes for a lot of fast healing.
Additionally, having a shield with a capacity allows for faster cooldown with ‘Adrenaline’, and you still get a gun damage buff when shields are intact with ‘Confident Competence’.
Grenade: your choice, I recommend either a Storm Front or something homing.
Artifact: Otto Idol (last stand)
18% health recovery on kill, and the last stand variant makes me invincible for 5 seconds when I get below 50% health.
Again, your choice. Some I recommend include Brainstormer, L0V3MACHIN3, Laser-Sploder, Kyb’s Worth, Night Hawkin, or anything that benefits from a faster fire rate.
Right now I’m running Brainstormer, Laser Sploder, Kyb’s Worth, and Baby Maker ++.