R4KK P4K drop rate is WH4K

Trial of Cunning isn’t showing up in TVHM atm so I’m having to farm it on Normal-Mode Mayhem 4, and I doubt it even drops at this point. Has anyone got this mod on Normal M4 or is it tied to TVHM?


It is dropping in Normal M4. Drop rates are just ■■■■■.
first one I got took about 25 runs, then I went 70ish runs without seeing another one.

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Oh wow, I thought it only dropped in TVHM M4, I’ll have to try Normal mode sometime just to see.

I got three of these things as world drops on TVHM. First from Katagawa Jr., who’s a quick and easy kill in m4, even if your gear sucks.

Dont even know what to do with it, since I dont even have gear for any meta build.

I actually got it on my 2nd run. It was a pretty bad role, only had 45% Atlas Crit (which I can use with a Q system I guess). I’m just moving to a Rakk build for the first time now so if I like it I’ll go back to grinding for a better one.

They’re talking about the new R4kk P4k mod. You’re thinking of the Rakk Commander mod.

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Oh I think you’re right :smiley: I was really wondering how I got it that often.

Yep, the drop rates on the M4 uniques and dedicated drops in general are complete BS.

I farmed Tink of Cunning about 25-30 times or so. Got a Rakk Pakk on the second run, then did not see one for the rest of my runs. The skills were not ideal and the passives were terrible.

Honestly, IMO, the COM is not that great overall and not worth farming for what it takes to get a decent one. You can use either the Stalker or Bounty Hunter COM with your Rakk build and have either ASE weapon damage, elemental damage, or the after Rakk damage anointments on your gear and do just as well.

I have 40+ kills so far on normal mayhem 4 and still no luck

This is atrocious. I love farming, I love being able to go somewhere specific and farm something, but these drop rates are beyond stupid. I thought I was a glutton for punishment in BL2 to get a Beckah. I’ve farmed Tink of Cunning on M4 with Fl4k since the release of Maliwan Takedown, idk how long ago that was now. Nothing but deadeye coms and minesweeper coms have dropped. I got my Spiritual Driver after about 50 runs on Sylestro, which was not that bad honestly. But doing this Trial of Cunning over and over and over and over and over again is not my idea of fun. I literally have the run memorized, the waves, the spawn locations, the best ammo chest spots. And I understand the COM isnt the greatest but when you are going for maximizing build opportunities, you need all available options to test. And with the right annoitments, this COM should be very useful splitting R4kks, 100 percent damage to enemies damaged by R4kk attack ( I know, I know, the R4kk AI is wonky and unreliable but it’s still an opportunity for multi tagging).
At this point, once 1 drops, I will have to take it. No way you can reliably farm this for different rolls. So frustrating and has no basis in the reality of build diversity.


@tgitgunner Agreed with your comments. The issue with COMs in this game is that the passives are so important that you really need a COM with good ones in order to be effective. And especially on the Rakk Pakk COM where you could get up to +5 in either Grim Harvest or Pack Tactics (probably the two most useful skills that can come on the COM), that is a ton of options.

And as I said above, I really feel like for a Rakk build, you are better off getting a Stalker or Bounty Hunter with the skills and passives you want. It works just as well and is waaaaaaaay easier to farm a desired one.

If the thing dropped every time from Tink of Cunning or once in every 5 or so, go for it! Farm all you want. But it just doesn’t drop often enough to farm it reliably. And each farm takes a minimum of about 10-15 minutes, depending on your skill level and build.

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I’ve found it takes me 21 minutes on average using a R4kk Attack build on M4. I use a Friend Bot com with +3 Barbaric Yarp and +2 BFF’s that has action skill cooldown, weapon damage and shield capacity on it, a brainstormer with ASE 50% radiation damage, corrosive crossroads with R4kk attack 100 % damage annoint, cryo laser sploder with R4kk attack 100% damage annoint and a fire homing mirv tediore pistol with 25% percent heal on ASE annoint to deal with annointed tinks, a dual capacity recharger with extra r4kk charge on it, a corrosive generator transfusion with ASE 50% Fire damage for 10 seconds anointment and a Last Stand Otto Idol artifact. I run with the scorcher ad my pet and the basic Megavore Master build that’s become quite powerful lately, no points in Stalker tree besides what my COM gets me. Still, even with all that, I cant get the run done in under 20 minutes.
And like I said, I’ve been running this since the Takedown came out and still no drop. Now, I’m basically continuing to run it out of pure rage. Its unbelievable that I have not gotten this COM yet.
And I just started farming Billy the Annointed for my Moze and i can already feel the disappointment settling in after last nights runs on him. The spawn point alone is ridiculous. And then I have to do it for Zane and I don’t even want to start thinking about him running his trial on M4 right now.


When I am farming a boss for gear with Fl4k, I am not at all scared to admit that I run Fade Away with GITM and crit swap Torgue shotgun stickies with the Unforgiven. I don’t do that for normal gameplay because I don’t think that playstyle is fun. I really do not like Fade Away at all as an action skill. But it does have its uses I guess, because when farming M4 dedicated drops or dedicated drops in general, the drop rates are such complete garbage that you have to be able to do it as fast as possible.

For the Trial of Cunning though, a regular mobbing build works fine and still does it just as fast as anything.

I’ve had proving grounds disappear from my fast travel before. Have you tried navigating the ship to the area? I also had the quest to discover one appear in my quest log after matchmaking, though it was unlocked already this made me have to navigate again to use it.

Yeah, I actually like Fade Away sometimes, just haven’t used it in awhile, actually since the new R4kk Attack annoints came out. And I definitely use it when I need to shred thru something quickly, no doubt. But for the actual proving grounds run, I found Fade Away to be less effective at clearing it quicker than the R4kks. For the boss at the end, the Tink of Cunning, I change my brainstormer in my loadout for a homing 5 mirv Tedoire shotgun that deals 100 % damage after damaging with R4kk attack and it takes about 4 throws per phase to down him. I haven’t tried fade away torgue sticky on him. Perhaps that would be a little bit faster…

But then I would have to change my loadout completely before dropping into his arena. God, I wish we had a loadout swap option. Just one would be awesome!!

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I went and picked up each of the missions from the areas where you get them, took the ship to the area where each Trial is located, started the Trial, and have had no issues since with fast-traveling to those areas. But I do not really play co-op much so I don’t know if that affects it. I am on XBone.

I know matchmaking has had issues on Xbox 1, I’m on PS4 and that has happened a handful of times. Ontop of that I can’t fast travel or use the drop pod if I have someone in my group that hasn’t unlocked them, but they can do matchmaking or jump in after me to unlock them, that’s painful.

Yep, matchmaking and online co-op on Xbone is not great, especially for the Takedown and Trials. And you better have your gear already selected and equipped before going into play, because once you get into the game, if you try to use your inventory the lag is so bad you may as well take a break and go get a drink or something. That part of this game is totally unacceptable.

Supposedly they upped the Trial Bosses droprates. I couldn’t really test much, especially since on my 1st run today I got the Rakk Pak mod (it was awful) but I did do another 9 runs (10 total) and didn’t get another.

Everyone go farm and let me know what’s the rates like lol