What should I do immediately after finishing the story?

I just finished the story and I’m level 45. I’d like to get all my gear upgraded. How should I start going about that? Should I turn on true vault hunter? Should I just turn on mayhem 1, and if so, where should I start farming?


Definitely finish leveling to 50 first… you don’t want to start gathering gear at a sub-50 level and then have to repeat it all to get level 50 gear.

If you haven’t done tvhm, definitely start that because Gearbox wants you to have completed it before you start the new material, like Maliwan Takedown.

The one thing I would NOT do is finish the Legendary Hunts and Targets of Opportunity crew challenges until you hit level 50 as the rewards from that do not reset on TVHM…or ever. Finishing the Legendary Hunts is the only way to get the Bekah, so uhhh don’t make the mistake I did and finish them at level 48 :expressionless:

Finding all the Eridian Proving Grounds/Circles of Slaughter and completing them (they’re repeatable ) should help you get to 50, then I would turn on Mayhem (start at 1, increase as you feel comfortable) finish up sidequests and explore all of the maps. This should give you some decent level 50 gear for TVHM.

In NVHM, turning on any level of Mayhem will scale the game to your level. You can farm one of the easier bosses (Graveward and Gigamind are popular choices) for some quick legendary gear. Even on Mayhem 1 they’ll usually drop 2~5 legendaries per run.


This is my recommendation, you won’t keep legendaries below 50 - but at level cap you’ll be more interested in legendaries that have anointments anyways so why not get a feel for some while you finish getting to level 50? That way you know if there’s one you wanna farm once you reach cap.

What? That’s not true.

TVHM in BL3 is useless, there are no difference to Normal with Mayhem mode enabled.


You can’t play Maliwan Takedown until you complete it. One would assume that new DLC material they release could also follow that requirement… but who knows.

You have to finish Story to play Takedown, no matter Normal or TVHM.

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Are you running Takedown with a character on normal mode? If you want to run Takedown on tvhm, you would need to finish tvhm… at least I did. I still have one character who cannot run the takedown (at least on tvhm mode) because I have not finished tvhm with them.

Yes on Normal, all you have to do is finish Story. And since there are no difference between Normal and TVHM, there is no need to finish it.
It’s good only if you aren’t using Mayhem.

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Where are you getting that there is no difference between normal and tvhm?

IMHO you have 2 options:

  1. Turn on TVHM and continue (turning on mayhem modifiers when you get back to Sanctuary if you want). You will eventually hit 50 doing this obviously.
  2. Start doing some other activity to level like running Cistern of Slaughter and/or farming bosses (again, with added mayhem modifiers for added XP/loot if you want). This will net you a lot of gear and XP that you can experiment with, sell for SDU cash etc…
    This also has the side benefit of getting you to 50 before starting TVHM so that all mission rewards in TVHM will be level 50 and more useful than they would have been at 45 or 48.

Basically get to level 50 so you can start gearing up. I did it a few ways. My first time through I went back and did all the side quests and completions and that pretty much got me there. My favorite method was for my last time through, on Zane, I went and leveled up in the Slaughter Shaft(no mayhem) it auto scales to your level. I did turn on Mayhem 1 for the last couple levels but I don’t recommend doing that.

Just curious, why Slaughter Shaft vs other areas? And why no mayhem mode?

Slaughter Shaft has the highest density of badass mobs and Annointeds. The xp gain in Slaughter shaft is both consistent across all rounds and really high.

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About 1.5-2 levels per run. No mayhem because it just slows you down and the place already scales to your level without it. Part of the reason I leveled there is the drops kept upgrading my weapons as I went as well.

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Good info. I just finished the story with Zane at lvl 38 and was wondering what to do next. With my first two VHs, I mostly just farmed bosses to get to 50. Wanted to do something different this time around.

No difference means there is no reason to do it. You have to beat the whole story again just to unlock the end game content which is exactly the same in Normal with any Mayhem enabled.
The only reason to play TVHM is if you want some mission rewards at level 50 or don’t want to use Mayhem mode. But again the best way is to do it once you reach max lvl.

You should try doing Proving Grounds and Slaughterhouses. As mentioned above they all scales to your level and are repeatable. Or you can switch to Mayhem 1 and do some side missions or farm regular bosses.

In TVHM any mayham mode you get way more anoited gear then Normal mode any mayhem mode.
So if you are looking for anointed gear rate for dropping is better in TVHM

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Are you sure? Cause everyone I ask says it’s all the same and based on RNG. For example this topic.

I gear up my Amara with anointed gear in TVHM, you will see all rarity gear have anointed .
Even quest reward items have higher chance.
(Got bekah /w 300% after phaseslam in TVHM)
I’m just putting my 2 cents.
I see difference between normal mode and TVHM

Forgot to say all that was after that stream week when anointed gear have higher chance