Here is a spreadsheet to help you track your drop.
It’s a WiP.
I have made the original template that can be customised to track drop from any boss. Use in coordination with johnirby86 's spreadsheet on loot location for an easiest time. My spreadsheet is honestly kind of useless without his work, thanks for the work fellow VH !
I’ll gladly accept any help completing it since i have only done Sky Bullies sheet and no other boss at the moment.
To contribute, the simpliest way i have thought off at the moment is for any people interested in helping to to simply dl it, create a boss template and post the link here so that i can add it later.
If you see that same topic on reddit, it’s normal, i posted there first because i wasn’t sure if i should post it here.
If you think of anything that could be added, any comment is appreciated.
i could add a little bit more depht to the template by separing the annointed drop of grenade and shield from the item pool is i know for sure that grenades have a separated annointed drop rate and i’m not too sure about the shield annointed drop.
Grenade there’s no doubt about it since they never spawned before the annointed week of 10th year anniversary celebrations.
But that would add 2 columns on each rarity, with even more total here and there and it’s already quite a heavy template already. I doubt that many would track drops from rarity bellow purple and i’m missing space for the total % legendary drop and annointed drop.
Now that i’m thinking about it, having 2 more totals wouldn’t hurt. One for the world drop, the other for the dedicated & unique drop since they are separated.
So I’ve done a couple 100 run/kill tracks. First I did 100 kills on The Unstoppable. Next I ran Trial of Discipline on Zane 100 times and tracked my efforts to get Anti-Freeze coms. In my future tracking runs I will use this spreadsheet, but for now here are my results:
100 “Trial of Disciplne” completions. Ran on Zane - TVHM M4
WLD = World Drop (Any Legendary besides COM’s)
AN = Anointed
COM = Class Mod
M/F/A/Z/AF = Moze/Fl4k/Amara/Zane/Anti Freeze
# = # of Legendary