Permaslag/permafrost still not fixed

In BL2, if you got slagged while in a vehicle, the effect would never wear off. Still hasn’t been fixed.

Now the same is happening if you get frozen while in a vehicle. You have to save & quit completely.

Is it too much to ask for a fix?

Yes it does. Just wait long enough for the effect to wear off.

I left the game on for 30 minutes while I went to do something else, effect did not go away. I was still running at 0.5 MPH.

You have to wait for it to wear off before exiting the vehicle.

And its not permanent, do the same thing again and let it wear off the next time

oh sweet. I’m glad I read this thread. I was thinking it wasn’t fixed too. I must have exited my sting ray before the cryo had a chance to wear off.