only viable builds i can think of for flak in terms of damage is either rakk attack proccing annointed gear (because rakk attack alone isnt outstanding in any way), classic fade away (which i find very mundane and a chore since the gitm/leave no trace nerf), or rad dad build(super squishy)… i know there is the rocket flak build but i cant help but feel that its gonna get nerfed knowing gearbox, and their desire to nerf most of the VHs (except their precious siren) when a “Op” build comes along… any suggestions for a build that doesnt have low survivability (rad dad) and yet above average dps other than fade away and doesnt require the best of the best annointments?
Check out the Nukem Fl4k build on Youtube. This build has worked pretty good for me. I’m not very good at this game so I have to use “Lick the wounds” for survivability. I’ve tried the Rakk Attack build and I go down within seconds. Hope this helps.
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